
1 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A refugee who likes technology, geopolitics and interesting videos.

I did the UI/UX for Memmy which you can find at memmy@lemmy.ml

As they mention in the article they anticipated a much slower collapse and likely prepared for that. But at the rate it’s currently going, it’s quite astounding. The fragmentation and internal strife in Russia are certainly not over.

I did read one article that made a reference to this more being an “end of the beginning” rather than the “beginning of the end”. Which I agree with. It hasn’t collapsed the federation overnight, but it’s certainly weakened it a hell of a lot.

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This was a very well written statement and gives me a lot of hope for the future of the platform. I’ll be more than happy to invest my time and effort into it.

The Verge posted the actual memo that was released, you can find that below and the article here

Hi Snoos,

Starting last night, about a thousand subreddits have gone private. We do anticipate many of them will come back by Wednesday, as many have said as much. While we knew this was coming, it is a challenge nevertheless and we have our work cut out for us. A number of Snoos have been working around the clock, adapting to infrastructure strains, engaging with communities, and responding to the myriad of issues related to this blackout. Thank you, team.

We have not seen any significant revenue impact so far and we will continue to monitor.

There’s a lot of noise with this one. Among the noisiest we’ve seen. Please know that our teams are on it, and like all blowups on Reddit, this one will pass as well. The most important things we can do right now are stay focused, adapt to challenges, and keep moving forward. We absolutely must ship what we said we would. The only long term solution is improving our product, and in the short term we have a few upcoming critical mod tool launches we need to nail.

While the two biggest third-party apps, Apollo and RIF, along with a couple others, have said they plan to shut down at the end of the month, we are still in conversation with some of the others. And as I mentioned in my post last week, we will exempt accessibility-focused apps and so far have agreements with RedReader and Dystopia.

I am sorry to say this, but please be mindful of wearing Reddit gear in public. Some folks are really upset, and we don’t want you to be the object of their frustrations.

Again, we’ll get through it. Thank you to all of you for helping us do so.

To me, this looks like it was absolutely destined for a public release/intended leak. The victimisation says it all with them crying that their employees are going to get attacked. This is a simply absurd statement.

Any indicated statement from a CEO of a community forum that insinuates that their users, who are currently undergoing a completely peaceful protest, are in fact, volatile enough to attack employees simply doing their job has completely lost the plot. Their position as CEO is completely untenable.

Thanks Reddit for throwing extra wood on the fire. I was getting concerned that it wasn't raging enough.

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Apparently the Titanic caused all the maritime laws to be rewritten for vessels. It’s very ironic that 100 years later we’re likely going to have something similar for submersibles caused by an accident at the same location with a similar name.

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Let’s get rid of that little circle when posting…

I agree with the sentiment for sure, but this is actually a bug. If you refresh the page, the content does appear. It's just that for some reason, it keeps the spinning circle for around 30 seconds, even when posted.

At the moment, the cause of it is under investigation. https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/3061

Lemmy has been around for a moderate chunk of time but the content has recently exploded which is causing some growing pains for not only servers operators but also the code behind it. Bugs that only existed with larger communities are now only being discovered and should be fixed rather quickly.

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I’m in Australia and have never boiled tap water before. Sometimes during major storms or flooding you get a boil water alert but these are usually advisory and monitoring shows that in most cases the water is still within legal limits. Of course though you should still boil the water if an alert does go out.

Why the fuck does he look almost clearly unfazed by it? Is there some magic of chemistry that I’m not getting here?

My wallet has already burned through enough. The last thing I needed was a Steam Summer Sale to start.

6’5” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. He’s tall but not that tall. Also “president” lol. As if they include that with mugshots.

I've used SimpleLogin for awhile and it's worked very well for me, everything shows up and everyone receives their mail as expected, very happy with it. AnonAddy is another alternative, although I personally haven't tested that one. They're both pretty cheap and recommended by PrivacyGuides. SimpleLogin was purchased about a year back by Proton. Who run Proton VPN, ProtonMail and a few other products iirc. https://www.privacyguides.org/en/email/#email-aliasing-services

Quite the update! A bit worried about the end of part of having several studios being closed down by the new owners though. I was surprised they didn’t really go for this creative mode side because a lot of people seemed to immediately ignore the campaign, if we can call it that. And go straight for the cathartic blow everything up with as many mods as you can find.

I never realised how much fun blowing up stuff is and watching it burn to the ground, but I’m pretty sure I’m on a list for my activities in game.

I’d be shocked if this was true. I would think that would be the first FSB tactic that they would’ve performed. It’s a classic one in movies as well. It’ll be absolutely insane if this is what stopped the coup.

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Memmy! It’s getting updates rapidly and it’s looking very good so far. It’s going to be cross-platform shortly as well. Also has a lower bar for contributors compared to Mlem. A redesign is also in the works.

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CDPR was probably everyone's go to of a AAA dev that hadn't yet been corrupted by money. Unfortunately with Cyberpunk 2077 we found out the hard way that yes, they had indeed been corrupted by said money. They single-handily managed to annihilate any sort of reputation they had gained over the many years of their studio, then managed to squander all of that in less than a few days. As the saying goes, slow to rise, quick to fall.

The whole lot doesn't seem bright at all. Then they basically drove through to Moscow like they were having a leisurely stroll and lost one truck. Russia looks so pathetic right now.

Absolutely. It's only a matter of time before someone sees the value in the information/data that is here and begin indexing the entire fediverse/site and working on SEO for it.

There are countless examples of indexers for GitHub for example, if you do any searching for questions related to coding. Pretty much every issue and repo has been indexed.

When reddit first popped up, posts from it came up in search results very rarely, now it's pretty much at the top of many searches, since it's a bastion of knowledge and community groups.

It's really only a matter of time if things do go well here.

I haven't had anything creepy happen to me personally that I can recall, but I do have something that did terrify me for a bit.

This was around a year ago but I was in the bathroom washing my hands after using the bathroom, this was very late at night, about 2:00am. That's when I heard some sort of noise that caught my interest. I was wearing noise-cancelling headphones so I was surprised that I heard this. I took them off and heard nothing afterwards, so I just chalked it up to my mind playing tricks and went back to my bedroom.

However, the sound did sit with me. It's one of those sounds that is engraved in your intuition. So I went to check the camera footage around the time that I heard the sound. I went back a couple of minutes and played back the footage, waiting to hear anything. After going through a few minutes, I was ready to give up on it, since it was just wind noise and distant traffic. That's when I heard this absolutely most long horrific blood curdling scream that I have ever heard in my life. It sounded like a woman and it genuinely made me freeze for a good few seconds.

I was in absolute shock and didn't know what to do about it. I sent it to the local police station and they said they'll investigate to see if anything came up around that time. I checked the news for a few days after in the local area and nothing about a murder or domestic violence incident came up. This area is usually pretty safe, so it was definitely a shock.

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It looks good in the marketing (it always does) but we should all remember that it’s Bethesda making this. Then again, I can’t even name a developer that I would say “hell yeah, this is gonna be awesome!” at this point. The very sad state of the industry.

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I'm absolutely horrific with organisation, but I found a few ways of managing things. I never really managed to grasp notifications, eventually they just became an auto-ignore for my brain. What worked more for me was having hints of what I need to do in places that I would naturally look throughout my day.

For instance, with my iPhone, I use dynamic island to keep my current task in a persistent way. It's not forceful and it doesn't interrupt what I'm currently doing. I've also got a large widget on my home screen which shows me some things like weather, date, reminders and calendar events. I see it a few times and eventually I usually manage to enact on it. I unlock my iPhone more than 100+ times per day, so that's 100 potential opportunities to see it and enact on it.

As for filling it with tasks, I usually do that just before I'm about to go to bed. Once I plug my phone in, I have shortcuts give me a notification that reminds me to fill out the tasks for tomorrow. This isn't bulletproof of course, but it helps to try and make it habit somewhat.

Despite the deficiencies, we're still brains of habit, so trying to make that habitual does help. It does help that it's a task that doesn't change.

The salaries of the medical profession with the exception of highly specialised roles in the NHS are practically criminal. We had people bang pots and pans for them during COVID but the second they asked for a raise the only thing the hive mind could output was cricket noises and awkward coughs.

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It feels like we're close but miles away from what we were promised at launch. Their marketing was such an incredible barrel of lies I can't believe that anyone is entrusting them with what they're saying. I'm optimistic that it'll be a good expansion pack, but I'm definitely going to wait for a bit before I purchase this one.

It’s in Australia so it’s quite possible that someone found a spider. I’m pretty sure a murder would’ve appeared in the news around here so that’s mystery solved. I hope.

Well he succeeded in his mission.. just not in the way he was expecting to do so.

I enjoyed Watch Dogs 1 and Watch Dogs 2 as well. I probably liked Watch Dogs since I never bothered with the hype train with it. It was a pretty good game all things considered, some mechanics were moronic though like that ctOS scan.

I had a good amount of fun with Legion but it was pretty obvious the story suffered from the lack of any main protagonist. It was painfully clear that the other characters dialogue was recorded without context, so when you finish a mission it's like a celebration with dementia patients who've forgotten what they're celebrating and they're trying to pretend that they know you.

The AI was also a bit of a fun one.. or nightmare, depends on how you put it. When I saw the reveal of this complex interconnected network of NPCs and how they feel about things, like not wanting to join your special no dictatorships allowed club if you ran over their great aunt. I went.. yeaaaah that's going to cause issues. Yes, it did. But it was fun.

No, I haven't spent any time on Reddit since the closure, except for looking at r/Pics and their John Oliver err, protest. I haven't spent too much time on Lemmy though, that's because I've been busy helping out with an app for it :P

That is what happens. Confined spaces that have little oxygen are extremely dangerous and have had quite a few deaths because of them. Those who are working in them literally just feel dizzy and confused, fall asleep and die from the lack of oxygen. There’s about 100 deaths per year in the U.S. Sometimes even rescuers die because they don’t know about it as well. They try to rescue, get confused and die. Hypoxia is a terrifying thing.

Looking at it from the view of Reddit, their original excuse for charging for API access was due to the usage of it for machine learning with training their models. LLM's (Large Language Models), such as LaMDA (Bard, Google), GPT-4 (OpenAI), need an enormous amount of data inputted into them and Reddit has a large amount of high quality conversations, making it an invaluable source for them.

However, because Reddit's API was free, they didn't get a cent of this. Unsurprisingly, they didn't like this and wanted to profit off of this in some way. So they decided to charge for the API data access.

However, there is a clear issue with this as the Reddit API was used by third party apps, that don't abuse the API and use it to operate their Reddit clients.

It's quite clear now that the intention was not purely based on LLM's as there was a large number of solutions that Reddit could've used to charge for API access for those wanting the data and those who are simply operating third party apps.

  • They could've made a system where app developers can apply for a specialised API key to be used for third party apps.
  • They could've made different pricing tiers for those who are operating third party applications with adjusted rate-limits for mass-scraping compared to generalised browsing.
  • They could've allowed third party apps to have their users use their own API key that they get from Reddit themselves.
  • They could've worked with developers to add advertisements for their apps unless a premium subscription was purchased from the developer.
  • Many, many other ways they could've handled it other than this living PR nightmare.

Client developers were absolutely more than willing to discuss these options, yet they were thrown a ton of hurdles by reddit.

So why do they want you to use their app?

  • They get engagement data, since your usage can be completely tracked by them when using the app, such as how long you're looking at posts for, your engagement with specific topics, etc.
  • They can show you advertisements, this is their primary source of revenue.
  • They can promote their other revenue schemes, like purchasing coins and NFTs.
  • They can wall parts of the app off, like preventing you from downloading videos and forcing you to share the link to reddit, thereby creating engagement.
  • They can show investors the number of app downloads and their apps growth. This also makes it more likely that they get promoted in the various app stores. They probably get disdain every time they see Apollo being promoted many times by Apple, even in WWDC presentations, over their main app.

These are a few examples of reasons that Reddit want you to use their app and there are most certainly many more. However, their argument has a fatal flaw, in that the value of Reddit does not come from their platform, but it comes from the data within it.

Social media follows this rule usually, 90% are lurkers and 10% are contributors. However, it depends. You might have a 1% of contributors that are prolific contributors that produce most of the sites content, or you might have a very small portion of contributors, like 0.01%. Think of the number of YouTube users and how many actually post videos themselves, or even contribute to the comment section.

Reddit contributors will be more likely than the average lurker to use a third party client or adblock on their browser. The revenue from these users is net-loss on paper, however, in reality, they are contributing significantly to the content that the revenue-generators will be viewing. If this content didn't exist, there would not be a lurker to view the content, they'd simply go elsewhere.

Reddit doesn't see it this way, they see these users as revenue losers that need to be migrated to their official app so they can begin to generate revenue. However, as mentioned, the huge backlash indicates that this was a terrible idea. Especially considering that unlike a platform like Twitter, Reddit is divided into sub communities managed with volunteer labour. As with the contributors, these individuals are much more likely to be using adblock or a third-party client. The Reddit app is rubbish, Reddit themselves have admitted this. Power users are going to try and find an alternative method of browsing that they find is better, which they have done.

Reddit absolutely knows this. /u/spez made an indication in his main post for his AMA that old reddit is not going away. They likely have engagement data for this and know that many contributions are made through old reddit. However, old reddit still gives them revenue and it's still their platform. They added advertisements a few years back. https://safereddit.com/r/changelog/comments/c5clgh/ads_are_now_in_feed_on_old_reddit/

TL;DR Reddit wants money, but those who don't use their app don't generate money, on paper. In reality, they do. But it's hard to convince investors of that.

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I actually went to go and hunt down the sound and it turns out that I sent it to a friend. I mentioned that the last part sounded like a tyre screeching but they believed it was too consistent to be a tyre screeching. A few others that I asked had the same opinion of that. One thing that I can think of that has a very consistent screeching noise from a long distance is probably a train slamming on its brakes? Although it came from a direction where there isn't any trains running at that time.

https://www.whyp.it/tracks/104097/screaming-ish-sound?token=AWqwT Have a listen for yourself and see if you can deduce it.

Some bloke put that sign up and went. “I don’t see anything wrong with this!”

Memmy! It’s getting updates rapidly and it’s looking very good so far. It’s going to be cross-platform shortly as well. Also has a lower bar for contributors compared to Mlem. A redesign is also in the works.

I was exited for it and then I saw Ubisoft. sigh…

So now I can summarise the game for you

  • Please climb this tower to expand the map
  • Here are fifty three billion icons on the map
  • Please fetch me all the antique butt plugs across the map
  • Please find the 1084 shrines and light a single candle in each of them and I will reward with you new pants
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