Starfield's already the top seller to – 101 points –

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It looks good in the marketing (it always does) but we should all remember that it’s Bethesda making this. Then again, I can’t even name a developer that I would say “hell yeah, this is gonna be awesome!” at this point. The very sad state of the industry.

FromSoftware and Nintendo? As far as I know, their games are both successful and polished. You might not like their games, of course, but if you do it seems like a safe bet.

Then again, I can’t even name a developer that I would say “hell yeah, this is gonna be awesome!” at this point.

Valve hasn't let me down yet. Neither with Software nor with Hardware. Aside from the Index I preordered everything they did since HL2.

Valve and any Miyazaki game for me. Only time I've ever been "let down" is Dark Souls 2 and even then I still enjoy a playthrough of it every couple years so it's not a real low point to me.

The team behind the Yakuza / Like a Dragon-games never disappointed me before. That’s one of the few developers / game series that I’m happy to support in advance.

I would say Rockstar Games ist one of the few thats left here. I was never disappointed by new Games they produced.

By saying "new" and "produced", you are deliberately excluding the GTA Trilogy remaster I assume, because that is definitely a Rockstar Games mess.

Wasn't that outsourced technically?

That's not much of a defense. They outsourced the project and either: did not even peek at the product at any point of development (or when ready to ship) or they did review it, and found it acceptable enough to launch.

No matter how you cut it, R* severely fucked up.

Cdpr used to be the one for me even with Witcher 3 release, but with 2077 it was another whole level, specially the way they robbed the devs of the bonuses.

CDPR was probably everyone's go to of a AAA dev that hadn't yet been corrupted by money. Unfortunately with Cyberpunk 2077 we found out the hard way that yes, they had indeed been corrupted by said money. They single-handily managed to annihilate any sort of reputation they had gained over the many years of their studio, then managed to squander all of that in less than a few days. As the saying goes, slow to rise, quick to fall.

I mean to be fair, with CDPR, their games were always buggy messes on initial release... and I say this as a huge fan of their games. Go back and look at Witchers 1-3... all of those had huge issues when they came out. But, the reason CDPR is held in such high regard is because unlike Bethesda and others, they worked their butts off on all of those post-release to improve and expand them. The final products of the Witcher franchise games are so good its easy to forget how many problems they had on release.