
4 Post – 412 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

As with every software/product: they have different features.

ZFS is not really hip. It's pretty old. But also pretty solid. Unfortunately it's licensed in a way that is maybe incompatible with the GPL, so no one wants to take the risk of trying to get it into Linux. So in the Linux world it is always a third-party-addon. In the BSD or Solaris world though ....

btrfs has similar goals as ZFS (more to that soon) but has been developed right inside the kernel all along, so it typically works out of the box. It has a bit of a complicated history with it's stability/reliability from which it still suffers (the history, not the stability). Many/most people run it with zero problems, some will still cite problems they had in the past, some apparently also still have problems.

bcachefs is also looming around the corner and might tackle problems differently, bringing us all the nice features with less bugs (optimism, yay). But it's an even younger FS than btrfs, so only time will tell.

ext4 is an iteration on ext3 on ext2. So it's pretty fucking stable and heavily battle tested.

Now why even care? ZFS, btrfs and bcachefs are filesystems following the COW philisophy (copy on write), meaning you might lose a bit performance but win on reliability. It also allows easily enabling snapshots, which all three bring you out of the box. So you can basically say "mark the current state of the filesystem with tag/label/whatever 'x'" and every subsequent changes (since they are copies) will not touch the old snapshots, allowing you to easily roll back a whole partition. (Of course that takes up space, but only incrementally.)

They also bring native support for different RAID levels making additional layers like mdadm unnecessary. In case of ZFS and bcachefs, you also have native encryption, making LUKS obsolete.

For typical desktop use: ext4 is totally fine. Snapshots are extremely convenient if something breaks and you can basically revert the changes back in a single command. They don't replace a backup strategy, so in the end you should have some data security measures in place anyway.

*Edit: forgot a word.

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Looks like they should have called that function sortOf()

Some idiots keep using one of my email adresses for god knows what, ending up in me receiving newsletters and shit. Since actual user accounts are associated, I typically recover the password (since its my email adress) and then delete the account.

There are a few websites with similar restrictions though. They are completely fine sending shit to email adresses they never bothered to verify, but reject logins from countries (or even US states!) that they don't want. Morons.

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Security aside (because that's my employers problem), Teams is just aweful.

The UX is all over the place, likely because of the feature creep forcing a lot of dev departments to collaborate.

It just does too much. I don't need an all on one solution, I need a communication tool.

The chat looks like WhatsApp, not like a proper professional comms channel. Maybe there's a setting buried somewhere.

The meetings are more miss than hit. For every working meeting I have 5 meetings where something doesn't work. Multiple retries to join; or it picks the wrong mic, speaker and/or camera; or chat within the meeting doesn't work for some participants so they can't share or see links; video streams being disconnected and reconnected depending on who currently speaks (which looks extremels annoying); and probably a ton more I zoned out).

Slack on the other hand mostly just works. As a chat tool. What it is supposed to be.

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IDEA isn't Java-only. Most of the other languages are available as plugins. IDEA is typically the go-to IDE for multilanguage projects.

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Having free WiFi might also be nice. But the physical copy is more versatile.

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Just imagine how easy things would have been if these 3000$+ computers had the necessary ports built into them.

That would only solve some problems. My typical problem of not wanting to wire up 6 or 7 cables every time I switch between home-office and office would still go unsolved. Just plugging in a hub that already has keyboard, mouse, headset, monitors, and preferably even power attached is very nice to be actually flexible with the setup (also when quickly moving to a conference room and back).

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Is their messenger still a 150 MB monster that gets updated twice a day?

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If a significant amount of people "misunderstood" you, it's not their fault, but yours for not clearly communicating or not tailoring your communication for the target audience.

Same here: if people play the game "wrong", you didn't design it properly and/or marketed it completely wrong.

Sure, there will always be "dumb" (or too clever) individuals who you simply can't properly address and satisfy, but if the group is large enough to be loud, you failed your job.

Evolution isn't wrong. It's not like Unreal Engine gets rewritten from scratch for each major version.

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Oh that was you?

He'll be remembered exactly as he was.

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Oooh, I would really like to see that challanged in front of a German court after such a deletion happened. There are so many different legal facettes here.

  • Is the deletion maybe necessary due to GDPR? (they have to keep the minimum amount of data)
  • What's with the physical copies / codes that were bought. Should they automatically be freed up for re-use once the account that claimed them is deleted? (That would kinda make sense to me.)
  • What about stricly digitally bought games?
  • How far are their ToS valid in our jurisdiction?

Damn I really hope they do this to the wrong person and rub them the wrong way so they get dragged to court for this.

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As if there are equivalent and small phones with Android.

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It's so obviously illegal that the best course of action is to try to get others to voluntarily stop using it? Ah yes.

I hope you mean the UX. I think attacking it's functionality would be unfair. It does everything good and right .... technically.

If the UX is objectively bad or "just" subjectively might be hard to find out. I would assume if there are objective UX mistakes, some contributor might have been able to deal with that by now. But of course it doesn't change anything if a majority doesn't like it for subjectice reasons. It's part of UX design to deal with subjective aspects.

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I've considered trying to trick a vet into giving me the one they give dogs (that was originally developed and used for humans but taken off the market for total bullshit reasons) but easier said than done.

"My dog is very sensitive, please set the syringe here..."

"Sir, this is your own arm."

"Whaaaatt?! Really?!! Hahahaha, how could that happen hahahh. Now do it."

ZFS. I want snapshots, volumes, encryption etc. btrfs fucked me over too often. Also I prefer the semantics of the zfs and zpool utils and the way mount points are handled. Thanks to ZFSBootMenu I can even have /boot as a zfs volume and have it therefore incluced in my snapshots. And did I mention that all of that is encrypted? Anyway. Love it.

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Take a look at PhotoPea then. Needs nothing more than a browser. Runs fine in Edge and can be installed as PWA. That should work fine even on a locked down machine.

It might be interwoven, but at the end there are three interfaces:

  1. the headers or tags that trigger it to be enabled for a website
  2. the API towards the attester
  3. the headers that are added to subsequent call to include the verdict of the attester

It should be enough to disable/sabotage nr. 1. If not, you can sabotage nr. 2 so it simply doesn't attest shit. And finally you can suppress adding the verdict to the responses.

If the actual "fingerprinting" or whatever else is in there is still intact doesn't matter if you just don't trigger it.

Of course webservers would simply deny serving brave then. But it's still a good move. The more browsers get "denied", the easier it will be to make a case against websites for some kind of discrimination.

That was thoroughly thought through.

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Elsevier is probably the worst of them. When even authors want to stay away from a publisher due to their behavior, that means something.

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It likely has an edge. But I think on SSDs the advantage is negligible. Also games have the most performance critical stuff in-memory anyway so the only thing you could optimize is read performance when changing scenes.

Here are some comparisons: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Linux-5.14-File-Systems

But again ... practically you can likely ignore the difference for desktop usage (also gaming). The workloads where it matters are typically on servers with high throughput where latencies accumulate quickly.

second worst mistake of my life

What is the ... you know what, never mind.

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That last sentence pisses me off:

White phosphorus is considered an incendiary weapon under Protocol III of the Convention on the Prohibition of Use of Certain Conventional Weapons. The protocol prohibits using incendiary weapons against military targets located among civilians, although Israel has not signed it and is not bound by it.

Why the fuck do we give them any military support then? If their reason is true ("we need help to defend ourselves"), there is no reason why they couldn't sign a fucking protocol for minimizing casualties.

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Epic have come a long way from Epic MegaGames, and it isn't always a fairytale story I suppose.

Someone here on Lemmy highlighted that quite nicely when Valve dropped their Half Life documentary. Valve embraces their past. They cherish it. They still maintain their old games to honor their success.

Epic on the other hand completely wiped old Unreal titles from the relevant stores and don't give a fuck about supporting any of them. Which is a shame. Also I admire the tech behind of modern Unreal engines, so there are still geniuses at work who are likely passionate. Too bad they essentially only ride the Fortnite train outside their engine development.

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15 minutes, fuck. It's such a bullshit and simply meant to torture, whatever they claim. There are enough methods to kill quick and painless but no, that would not satisfy the people watching. Animals.

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What exactly do you mean? Typically you go to a website, register the domain, setup payment and then setup the nameserver. No need to install anything on your end.

Same with hosting. You sign up, setup payment, order a machine (root or virtual) and then you get SSH credentials and are good to go.

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No it's the way you speak about it.

I also currently have more problems with Wayland than with Xorg and find a few design decisions highly questionable, but that's no reason to completely talk it down in the way you do. You don't have to like it, you can criticize it, but you should stay civil.

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Until yesterday I would have said "my toaster". But after about 25 years of service or so the heating element finally broke and there are no more spare parts around. So I guess it's time to lay it to rest. It served me well.

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Nope, you aren't the only one.

It pisses me off each time, but I also expected it.

I am always baffled that C didn't ever get a native string type. Strings are used in what feels like 99.99999% of the applications written. Having proper strings that don't require fiddling with pointers on bytes would likely prevent more than 50% of security issues out there.

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In episodic shows (crime, drama etc) it's also typically a give away if a role is played by a known actor.

I don't blame the engine. There are other studios out there with custom engines that evolved over time. Also Creation Engine evolved a lot.

That they work with many connected scenes instead of a continuous world also has advantages ... it allows them to easily change the "world" between scenes by simply linking you "back" to a different scene (for example city under siege which before the dialog was not under siege). It's how they work. They could do the same shit with Unreal if they wanted to and if they believe this kind of game design is the only feasible for their story telling, they would shove it into another engine as well.

I also don't think the game feels "old". I do think it feels like it is conceptionally unfinished. They had many ideas and you can see a lot of different systems in the game (space fights, planets with different biomes, ship building, base building, and so on and so forth). Each of these systems in itself has some kind of concept, but all these systems together are missing a clear concept, IMO.

From what I know, game dev typically works in modules that get thrown together. And this also seems to be the case here. However the "big picture" wasn't refined or they realized that it needs a ton of small adjustments all over the place (conceptionally AND technically) to make sense of it and it looks like they were not able to deal with the complexity of that.

As a result we have a game that is okayish. It tells some stories, and offers a lot of content, but it feels not nearly as stunning as it should have and it's not on a single front ground breaking.

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The law was changed a few weeks later to include private persons and sole traders as protected lsps, not just companies, but they had to convict me. No choice in the end.

I am not sure I would consider this "working well". It is the job of the court to determine if and how to apply law. Laws are never perfect and should be applied per intention, and not word-for-word. If the latter would even be possible, we wouldn't need judges in the first place, because it would be a "simple" decision tree. But it's not. And we have judges and the court processes for a reason.

If the law was amended a few weeks later, it shows, IMO, that the intention of the law was different than what was written down. Therefore the judge should have ruled that way by acknowledging that while the law does not exempt private individuals, its intention shows that it clearly should (simply because it doesn't make much sense otherwise).

In other words: if the system really worked well, the judge would have sentenced (or rather not sentenced) within the intention of the law, and not within the strict writing.

(Worst case is that something like that gets escalated to the highest court who then either also accepts or overrules it.)

Waking up (not being woken up) on time implies having had enough sleep. So I take that.

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What pisses me off about many such endeavors is, that these companies always want big-bang solutions, which are excessively hard to plan out due to the complexity of these systems, so it's hard to put a financial number on the project and they typically end up with hundreds of people involved during "planning" just to be sacked before any meaningful progress could be made.

Instead they could simply take the engineers they need for maintenance anyway, and give them the freedom to rework the system in the time they are assigned to the project. Those systems are - in my opinion - basically microservice systems. Thousands of more or less small modules inter-connected by JCL scripts and batch processes. So instead of doing it big bang, you could tackle module by module. The module doesn't care in what language the other side is written in, as long as it still is able to work with the same datastructure(s).

Pick a module, understand it, write tests if they are missing, and then rewrite it.

After some years of doing that, all modules will be in a modern language (Java, Go, Rust, whatever) and you will have test coverage and hopefully even documentation. Then you can start refactoring the architecture.

But I guess that would be too easy and not enterprisy enough.

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The runtime doesn't need to be obfuscated. Only the code you run with it. You can still compress and obfuscate that and it will run just as well as it did before. Actually you can completely scramble your code and it would still run exactly the same.

Stakeholder meeting: "We make lots of profit. It was the best fiscal year ever!"

Internal employee comms: "Sorry, we missed our goals this year. Therefore we don't hand out bonus payments."