Anyone else see so many pictures of pretty women that it makes them want to transition? to Ask – -9 points –

My social media algorithms show me so many cool cosplayers, tomboys, pretty girls in a variety of nice clothes, alt girls, fairies with elf ears but never any attractive men doing anything cool or stylish or interesting that it just feels so lame being a guy.

I never see any attractive men (im bi) with interesting style or clothes or looking attractive in cosplay or being artistic and hot. Are dudes just so boring with their looks or is my algorithm just too skewed towards women?


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I'm sorry, you're confused about this. People with money are not driving the behavior of the hottie enjoyers. It's the reverse. Joe Everyman is willing to give his attention to hot women, and Instagram is profiting off that.

Ordinary people have the power to control what they see?


Unsure if trolling or not. Yes, you have the power to choose what you view online.

Who decides what is made available to view?