4 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

This is so irrelevant, who CARES

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No. The State of Hawaii is the largest landowner on Maui, followed by the real estate company Alexander and Baldwin. Do not spread misinformation please.

It's not all of a sudden. The Spring Break crowd has been controversial for decades. Bar and hotel owners of course love them. Locals unaffiliated with the tourism industry are more ambivalent and always have been.

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Can be improved by ignoring votes on posts from people who haven't actually opened the post, and also ignoring votes entirely from serial downvoters. You could even make certain votes more powerful, say if someone who never votes on something decides to vote - that should weigh more than someone who votes everything (especially if they upvote or downvote everything)

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Forums were great but the friction to find and join new ones was very high.

Yes. Defense is important. Pacifism is unworkable in today's geopolitical sphere. Weapons create peace.

Race is not a biological term but it's absolutely a sociological term, i.e. a complex social construct we've created based on superficial physical characteristics

It's easy if you pay attention at all times. Do not fall into your ingrained habits. If you stay focused, especially while turning, you won't have a problem.

I have never driven a manual on the wrong side. I wouldn't do that. I would rent an automatic.

Right, why would I bother with the reddit IPO? IPO pricing is all over the place. If I want it - I don't - I'll buy it day 1.

I legit don't know how binding arbitration can be legal.

Agreeing to terms of actual usage of the product, I understand. Like for a pogo stick, assuming your own risk of injury.

But I don't know how they can legally just say that suing is impossible.

Which already happens, but in any case, that's easily solvable too. Accounts that never engage with anything = low power, accounts that engage a lot and then vote wisely = high power.

Range of motion exercises are extremely important once the acute phase of pain and swelling goes down (~1 day). Ankle rotations and making the cross. Do it a lot.

If you have bruising, or the pain and swelling persists after a day of RICE, see a doctor.

Some instances defederate from others, and you want to make your community somewhere where you agree with the moderation policy.

Is there a way to easily see which instances are defederated from others (or conversely which instances are connected)?

What does defederation imply? Feeds aren't aggregated, or users are not allowed from the other instance?

Also one other major question. I thought lemmy was its own thing, but I guess it's part of the Fediverse? The Fediverse is just a set of protocols? What is lemmy then?

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Thanks. Is the best instance for general discussion?

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Images of women dominate social media because men with power (and money) tend to like looking at them

Lol you think all the horny 20 something dudes salivating over Instagram hotties have power and money?

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Some communities have always made it hard for Spring Breakers but I agree, momentum is building.

I'm sorry, you're confused about this. People with money are not driving the behavior of the hottie enjoyers. It's the reverse. Joe Everyman is willing to give his attention to hot women, and Instagram is profiting off that.

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What would your angle be? I feel like even with Portal 2, they were starting to exhaust the really cool possibilities

Dress codes and grooming standards are always the same between the sexes true

Yeah this seems crazy. We should just require Israel to set forth and protect a humanitarian corridor. We have a ton of leverage against Israel.

Have you ever tried Kagi? It's pretty interesting and I'm giving it a shot.

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This is all just cheap, pandering, virtue signaling. Disassembling your nimbyatic vetocracy is where the effort should be spent, affordable housing would go way further for black San Franciscans (and actually even better, SF'ans of all races).

Unsure if trolling or not. Yes, you have the power to choose what you view online.

Good to know! Are there other Fediverse sites with different moderation practices? Like what's an example of one with a VERY strict policy, and what's an example of one with a very loose policy?

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Cool. Can I ask you one more question? Can I comment on Beehaw (or lemmyNSFW, but I'm at work so not going there right now) using this account I have at The reason I ask is, I see that I can comment on other lemmies (e.g. using this account, but only if I find them through's communities|All tab. But I don't see Beehaw there.

Or more basically, in general for another instance running Lemmy, how do I access it using this account at

Thanks so much...

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If these movies did not make money, they would not get made. Maybe other types of movies would get made, and maybe they'd be better, but the big budget movies that do get made are to make money.

Moreover he knew this requirement going in. Who cares. Go to another school if you don't like the policies of the cult school

Mormon missionaries go everywhere. I have met Mongolian mormons.

It also funnels down to freedom from bureaucracy too. Look at how hard it is in many places to legally build a non-fancy home on your own property. Endless restrictions, regulations, permits and inspections. Nobody is trying to free us from this.

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I haven't looked into it, but there's got to be some open source firmware for a lot of these TVs, right? To improve the UI and remove all spyware and bloatware?

Start trying Linux now using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). It's a great way to dip your toe in the water, and your computer can run it today.

Heterodox, not unorthodox.

Yes, accompanied by an economic structure far worse than capitalism, and a government style far worse than liberal democracy.

We got it good.

Whatever most people in real life would say is moderate.

That is nowhere close to generally true.

Yeah, and Michael Jordan owns restaurants. Who cares about Oprah.

A lot of these net worth increases are from the rising value of companies whose shares they own a lot of (e.g. Amazon in Bezos's case)

Many people aren't interested in a life of leisure. They want to create, achieve, and strive. In the same way that someone may want to spend more time creating art, people like Bezos and Musk want to spend more time creating companies that build and make things. Both of them spend a lot of their time on passion projects having to do with space travel, for example.

So the question is: okay, you make your billion and you retire. What then? Lie around and watch TV and stuff? A lot of people are not interested in that.

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Means testing is a great thing actually. No reason people who can afford life should get benefits. Social security for instance should be means tested too.

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It’s cute how everyone is pretending there’ll ever be another election if Trump gets back in

God I am so tired of these hysterical takes. What you should worry about is Trump using the machinery of state to crack down on political enemies, not him becoming dictator for life. People watch way too many movies

Misgendering is a very mild form of disrespect compared to what all is out there, regularly, on X and every other social media site. It is a good thing that these sites do not generally regulate disrespect, although for community controlled forums (such as subreddits) I think it's good that moderators can choose their own rules.