How China Came to Dominate the World in Solar Energy to World – 38 points –
How China Came to Dominate the World in Solar Energy

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Gotta love this framing that is trying to get me to see China as the big bad rival.

Like, we are in a climate emergency, great if China makes a bunch of solar panels and drives down the cost, it’s the US’s fault for not recognizing that this is an emergency too and responding by subsidizing solar production in the US to the point that China’s actions weren’t a problem.

If we were talking about graphics cards, or luxury cars, or something else that wasn’t trying to combat catastrophic climate change I might feel differently, but in this context things are so desperate that it is as simple as More Solar Panels = Good

And the industry basically gave the tech to China because the local industry didn't believe in it, or at least went against the ruling ideology. Solar, wind turbines, electric cars... Of course now it's "but who could have predicted this?" and the answer to that question is China themselves who laid out their plans years ago and were ignored.

Congratulations, you're noticing that we're in a trade war and most discussions around China and the US are about serving their respective ruling classes.

I know that, did you have to say that in a condescending way?

I wasn't being condescending.

Maybe you want to work on your insecurity?

The clearly implied meaning of using “Congratulations” in your post is to convey an ironic sense of surprise at something that isn’t surprising or new, and that most other people (or at least you) have known for a long time.

Why would you use “Congratulations” in this context for any other purpose than condescension?

I mean I don’t even care that much but I don’t get why you are denying it?

No, it really isn't "clearly implied" and you are just highlighting your own insecurity by thinking otherwise.

I was literally agreeing with you, but your insecurity is stopping you from realizing that.

Seek help, or just take a break from these forums. You're clearly spending too much time here.

Do you genuinely think if I did have serious problems that this kind of attitude and response would do anything other than make me feel more shame and make it less likely I would get help?

Omg this exchange is just like Reddit I think I'm ready to trade Reddit for Lemmy in full now

I genuinely think you spend too much time on these forums and need to take a break.

It's bad for your mental health.

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