Cancer vaccine for dogs almost doubles survival rates in clinical trial to – 531 points –
Cancer vaccine for dogs almost doubles survival rates in clinical trial

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The reality is that somebody related to you dying of cancer wouldn’t match up for what I wished on you.

Uh... this is what you said:

I hope you get a chance to encounter uncurable cancer of your loved ones so you can have a little empathy for these moments.

That sounds like it literally matches up. So that's a weird lie.

A sociopath like you who wishes against progress on vaccines

When did I wish against progress on vaccines? I hope there is as much progress on vaccines as possible.

If you think I ever said anything anti-vax, in this or any other thread in Lemmy ever, please do quote me because I would love to see it. Unless, of course, that was also a lie.

I'm guessing you won't actually provide any evidence to back up your silly lie, you'll just insult me some more. But feel free to prove me wrong on that.

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