Is there a word for the phenomena where everyone benefits from design decisions made to help vulnerable populations? to No Stupid – 142 points –

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This might be it, although it might be specific to disability.

  • ex. Closed captions, cuts in sidewalks

When closed captioning for TVs was being rolled out by government mandate in the US, there was widespread anger over having the cost of a TV increase by $0.25 for everyone for a feature that would only help a few. I was sickened by the callousness.

Plus people rarely know in advance that they might become disabled later in life, so they are shooting themselves in the foot by protesting when they are lucky enough to be able bodied in the present day.

They won't be able bodied for long if they shoot themselves in the foot! Seriously though, some people refer to abled body people as TABs, which stands for Temporarily Able-Bodied, to drive the point that advocating against or ignoring issues which negatively impact people who are disabled may include themselves in the future.

I like that and will start using it. We’re all pretty helpless after birth and before death, so being able bodied is just a temporary phase in the middle, for those lucky enough to not be born with a disability or acquire one in the middle of life.

Huh, I've not read of that before! That definitely fits with what I was wondering, and points to other terms that may apply as well (universal/inclusive design). Thanks!