Biden uses feisty State of the Union to contrast with Trump, sell voters on a second term

AFK BRB to politics – 424 points –

That was one of the more interesting SOTU addresses I've seen. Personally, I think he said most of the things that needed to be said, and he said them reasonably well. I'm sure he's going to get some flack for attacking Trump directly (though not by name), but I was frankly glad to see it. Doing otherwise makes it seem like it's just your typical election/political disagreements, but we're past that now.


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FYI in the West we don't call people "dog" as a negative - that's pretty much an Eastern Europe/Russia thing. We will call people "dog," but that's more like "dawg," as in "what's up dawg?" which is a friendly greeting.

Also dogs don't kneel.

Very telling that Trump uses "dog" as an insult. Where did he pick that little gem up from, do you think?

It's almost like how in 2016 out of nowhere "cuck" was a thing that you'd hear people call each other. It's a much more common insult in Russia/states that were liberated from Moscow's rule.