Microsoft says it hasn't been able to shake Russian state hackers to – 338 points –
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Nation state cybersecurity threats are a big deal, and heavily targeting Microsoft is definitely part of a larger game plan by Russia.

If Microsoft is struggling, imagine how helpless "smaller" corporations (Even 10/100's of billion $ corps) would be.

I'm interested in how this plays out, and the kinds of postmortems we'll get from this. Will we see any shift in security culture and best practices?

Smaller corporations have it easier, IF they took IT Security serious. For the simple fact, that there are just a lot less entry points and way less whack amole playing.

And Microsoft never took security as serious as they should have.

Edith: And I highly doubt, we'll see a substantial change on Microsoft's side. 1.: There's less Money to be made. 2.: In some ways, their hands are tied because of the still ongoing Patriot Act/USA Freedom Act (which is a bullshit name) or rather the safe harbor stuff.

I don't think we'll get the post mortems you ate imagining.

Microsoft has typically been extremely vague - famously vague, even - about any details.