The Creators of the Atom Code Editor Open-Source Zed, Their New Rust-Based High-Performance Editor to – 6 points –
The Creators of the Atom Code Editor Open-Source Zed, Their New Rust-Based High-Performance Editor

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I'll be watching this one. It looks nice. Please come to Linux. I do loves me my vim. I did not like setting it up as much as I thought I would to be an IDE. I'm sorry I was mean Zed.

Yes, that was mean, because nobody is able to make another editor as powerful as vim.

Time will tell for sure, but helix is looking really good and once they have support for plugins I'm rather sure it will be a very, very powerful editor.

I don't think helix will ever catch up to a lot of vims lesser know features of which there are a lot. I think that's by design as well, I think that helix wants to have a smaller surface area than vim and for a lot of people that will be the right choice. I personaly use ex-commands for example, or the quickfixlist fairly often so for me I have a hard time imagining helix not feeling like a step down power-wise (as nice as multiple cursors are).

VSCode has way more features than Vim. Including the ability to run Vim inside the IDE. Or Emacs.

Sais no-one that knows vim, thou it have a vi-like mode that is missing most advanced vi-trixs.

I've been trying out Helix as of late. It's a bit different than vim, but I'm beginning to like it.

Helix's autocomplete is too bad for me to be able to like it

what do you mean? Helix uses LSP servers, usually the same ones used by Vim and VS Code.

were you using it without the LSP's installed? If you were, then you would only get completion based of the treesitter grammars, which would be very limited.

no, the autocomplete trigger is rly bad and triggers when moving the cursor around instead of when you actually type It's a documented problem and they are working on fixing it

Ah I see. I usually only move the cursor when in command mode, so that might be why I haven't noticed it. That's unfortunately an issue I've noticed in a lot of editors. In fact, because Zed is so fast, the auto completion is super obnoxious atm and constantly flashes at you while you type.