The 10-year-old boy who has become the face of starvation in Gaza to World – 417 points –
The 10-year-old boy who has become the face of starvation in Gaza

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Sounds terrible Hamas should release the hostages so the war can stop and kids won't suffer anymore.

Yes, everything will be fine in Gaza as long as no-one fights back against the ethnic cleansing. If Hamas just asks nicely, the Zionists will probably reconsider their stance and stop the genocide.


“We are particularly distressed by reports that Palestinian women and girls in detention have also been subjected to multiple forms of sexual assault, such as being stripped naked and searched by male Israeli army officers. At least two female Palestinian detainees were reportedly raped while others were reportedly threatened with rape and sexual violence,” the experts said. They also noted that photos of female detainees in degrading circumstances were also reportedly taken by the Israeli army and uploaded online.

“Taken together, these acts may constitute grave violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, and amount to serious crimes under international criminal law that could be prosecuted under the Rome Statute,” the experts said. “Those responsible for these apparent crimes must be held accountable and victims and their families are entitled to full redress and justice,” they added.

But that's probably Hamas's fault as well, right?

If Hamas just asks nicely, the Zionists will probably reconsider their stance and stop the genocide.

Unironically, yes. There's been multiple attempts at negotiation in the past, where Israel was even willing to hand over land they had conquered before, for a two-state-solution. Hamas always declined, because they don't want to negotiate with Israel. They want a world without Israel. And they'd rather have every single Palestinian die than accept their loss and sue for peace.

Haha, yeah, suure m8.

"If we just comply with German demands, I'm sure the Jews will be safe"

You're really pretending that you don't even understand that for longer than you've been alive, there's been systemic effort to drive out Palestinians from what I Israel considers it's land? You're seriously pretending you're wholly unaware that "zionism" as a concept even exists?

#Case Before International Court of Justice Will Expose Israel’s Prolonged Illegal Policies, Permanent Observer Tells Palestinian Rights Committee

“The current Israeli Government is the most extreme rightist Government in the history of the Governments of Israel,” he observed. It includes fascist ministers considered by the Israeli legal system as promoting terrorism. One such minister who has advanced a racist manifesto also announced that his and his family’s right to remain alive is greater than the right of the Palestinian people to circulate in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Michael Lynk, former Special Rapporteur, then briefed the Committee on the study it commissioned regarding the legality of the Israeli occupation, underscoring that “no one can say the subject has been treated lightly or thinly”. While many features of the 56-year-old Israeli occupation are illegal in themselves, the study’s central aim is to answer the question of whether the occupation itself is illegal and — if so — to outline the consequences for Israel, the international community and the United Nations.

He noted that the study highlights three peremptory norms that can determine if an occupation has become illegal, including whether the occupying Power has moved to annex any part of the occupied territory; whether that Power has breached the right to self-determination of the people under occupation; and whether that Power has instituted policies of discrimination or apartheid in the occupied territory. A breach of any of these norms would indicate that an occupation has become illegal; a breach of all three would be conclusive evidence of such illegality. The study concludes that Israel — as the occupying Power — “is in gross violation of all three of these norms and is, therefore, a bad-faith occupier”.

He also noted that the study finds many parallels between the situation in the State of Palestine today and South Africa’s apartheid rule over Namibia 50 years ago. Due to the illegality of its occupation, Israel is obliged to withdraw from the Occupied Palestinian Territory immediately, completely and unconditionally. Further, Israel is responsible for reparations. The international community must move away from the “land-for-peace” paradigm and towards Israel’s complete withdrawal to the 1967 lines.

I skipped paragraphs, read the whole article from the link

That is from last August. It's horrifying to see them talking about the dead of 2023 — by that point in time — "including 44 children". As the number is now over 12 300, JUST for the dead children.

It's not Palestinian who keep yelling about "human animals". It's Israel who keeps pushing rhetoric like that:

#UN world court calls for prevention of genocidal acts in Gaza

Turning to the article 3 of the Genocide Convention, which prohibits “conspiracy to commit genocide” and public incitement to commit genocide, the judge said that the ICJ had taken note of a number of statements made by senior Israeli officials.

These included comments by Yoav Galant, Defense Minister of Israel, who reportedly told troops on the border with the enclave that they were fighting “human animals” who were the “ISIS of Gaza”.

The deal Isael offered was 6-weeks ceasefire for all hostages, then once we take all hostages and reload our ammo, we will go back to boming you again

Hello, average bloodthirsty psychotic American. Tell me more about how little you understand the world outside your borders.

I was just about to comment like this, but with an “/s,” because I’m a human being.