Trump leads Biden in Georgia: Poll to politics – 14 points –
Trump leads Biden in Georgia: Poll

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Only 20% upvotes while a post I just saw putting Biden ahead in a few polls sits at 89%. This one is from a swing state, but just before the state of the union address. Seems very ripe for discussion and definitely relevant to the community.

Why? I think we all know why: bad news for Biden = downvotes. This is how we end up in a filter bubble.

I don't think it's that -- I can only speak for myself but my instant reaction to bad news about Biden from one of a handful of specific users who tend to post it several times to day come rain or come shine is "bro just give it a fucking rest and let the rest of us organically talk politics."

Yeah fair point, I also notice the same names posting this stuff regularly

And they like bringing up certain points over and over in comments, but they tend not to want to answer simple questions about the narratives they're constructing

Good lord that was a frustrating read. Particularly the lack of a response to a clear question and the "oops I can't find the link" I am basing this entire argument on.

But still, this post in itself is fine imo

Yeah talking to them is a blast 🥲. The message he was responding to with the linked monologue actually also asked how much money went to oil and gas companies, and instead of answering he did that. When I distilled it down into only asking again a relevant question about what he was claiming had happened, he fell silent.

I feel this, it does come with the usual suspects that leave their skewed analysis as well. Had someone last week proclaim that Biden didn't care about abortion the day after the SOTU, seemingly because he didn't do the Roe V. Wade by fiat. I'm left wondering if it is simply ignorance or something more, until I see the same usernames that is.

Posting doom is fine, I will actively downvote reposts though. 18 posts about a single event, many of them the same title and link is just annoying. Even moreso when it's bad data.

I really want to see polling after the State of the Union and now that Haley has dropped out.

If that doesn't move the needle, then we need to re-check polling after the conventions and again after the debates (if we have any).

No, people shouldn't downvote the messenger. When I see articles like this, it gives me more motivation that I need to fight for him. And I really need that motivation, because I'm not a fan of his

Exactly, I really think the best reason to upvote is because the discussion is relevant to the community and interesting and the best reason to downvote is if it's not. And I think most people need that motivation.

Things have already improved on this post, to be fair to everyone, but it's still sitting at zero.

The other commenter Mozz also has a good point about the same accounts posting bad news for Biden over and over again

Yeah, I agree with this. There was a meme that one of the handful of accounts posted to politicalmemes where we had a big argument about Biden's marijuana legalization, and it was removed as misinformation (which, it absolutely clearly was; the OP couldn't in any way justify in the comments what the meme said had happened, and just went silent). I feel like maybe removing it is not a good thing though... like let us talk about it, and if the general consensus is that certain arguments are bullshit, people will figure that out, and it's actually a good thing if they can repeatedly read those bad arguments but then see alongside them why they're bullshit, or make up their own mind what they believe out of what they're seeing.

I can only speak for myself but I've learned a lot about what Biden's accomplished by arguing with the propagandists. They say he failed on something, I go and look it up and learn that it's either not true or not the whole story, and after doing that a few different times I started to realize holy shit he actually did a whole lot of stuff.