Biden says Medicare should negotiate prices for at least 50 drugs each year, up from a target of 20 to politics – 408 points –
Biden says Medicare should negotiate prices for at least 50 drugs each year, up from a target of 20

Key Points

  • President Joe Biden said the federal Medicare program should negotiate prices for at least 50 prescription drugs each year, up from the current target of 20 medicines.
  • That proposal is one of several new health-care policy plans Biden will outline during his State of the Union address Thursday.
  • But the fate of his new proposals will be in the hands of a divided Congress, making it highly uncertain whether they will pass into law.

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I'm really sick of this lecture as if I don't understand that. I'm a human being who lives in reality I'm very familiar with not getting everything I want. I don't buy a car for $20,000 and then complain it doesn't have the quality of a $300,000 car. I will complain when the $20,000 car doesn't deliver what I expect for a $20,000 car. This is no different. Democrats held a majority in congress for four years. What they delivered with that kind of opportunity was inexcusably insufficient.

I think your expectations are too high. Democrats delivered at least as much as any other Congress in the past 50 years

And I think you're blindly loyal to a system which has benefited you.

I'm not loyal to any system. I simply recognize that a system exists, even if one wishes otherwise.

So you don't care about it but you spend your time defending it from criticism. Sure buddy.

The system can't be changed in the near future. And it was deliberately designed to interfere with progress.

I'm sure you can imagine a better system, but we don't live in your imagination. So I don't defend the system, I defend Democrats who do the best they can in spite of the system.

Lol. Oh, there it is "I'm not defending the system I'm just defending the people who have played a huge part in shaping that system."

So I'll go back what I was saying earlier. You're defending Democrats because you've benefited from their ineptitude while quality of life deteriorates for the rest of us.

Not sure if you're aware, but the Democrats you hate did not write the Constitution.

That doesn't excuse them for being incompetent failures at best or outright corrupt at worst.

Again, you are only defending them because you've benefited. You've yet to deny this. You got yours so fuck everybody else.

Yes, I benefitted from the Civil Rights Act, Medicare, Social Security, and the ACA. And you're right, fuck the trust fund babies who had to pay higher taxes to support those programs.

You didn't benefit from them, so you must be among the lucky few who prospered under Trump. It all makes sense now.

Medicare? How old are you?

I'm not old enough for Medicare, but people who I love and support are. When they benefit, I benefit.

If you're only celebrating things that benefit other people the rest of your life must be pretty sweet. Unless you're trying to tell me you're suffering and in spite of that you don't care you're not seeing anything directly benefit you.

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