Biden Says Debate With Trump Will Depend on the GOP Nominee’s “Behavior” to politics – 204 points –
Biden Says Debate With Trump Will Depend on the GOP Nominee’s “Behavior”

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watch the candidates answer hard questions

You think they'll actually answer ANY questions?

That’s on whoever is chosen to moderate the debate but yes, they need to be held to account.

We have yet to see a lawyer, judge, politician, or rational human being be able to successfully moderate Donald Trump, that's what the other person is saying. He's a toddler, he's either babbling nonsense or he's having a temper tantrum. There's no point in a debate if the person you're debating just wants to whine and lie.

But, I suppose if you want to watch 2 geriatrics losing touch with reality in different ways, at different stages, you could always volunteer at a nursing home.

I’m not denying that any moderator would have a difficult job controlling Trump but that’s not a valid reason to deprive voters of the opportunity to witness democracy in action, imo.

Have you not paid attention in the past 5 years? He doesn't debate or answer anything directly, and he isn't for democracy. But yeah, let's hear what the literal Nazi sympathizer has to say.