That gourmet luxury blend... to Mildly – 937 points –

I was permanently banned from the Reddit sub without recourse for posting this despite not breaking any rules. I'm slowly making the migration over thanks to such encouragement.


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I heard about that. I wouldn't even buy beeswax from Amazon because I heard all the horror stories of even some of the highly rated products being cut with Paraffin, which gives me headaches. I could give you a list.

And trying to get pure maple syrup and olive oil these days is also a pain, when it shouldn't be.

Maple is often blended, and olive and avacado is straight up fraud most often.

Depending on where you live, i would recommend checking out the local farmers market in the weekends. I bought iver a gallon of local honey for about $50 last summer and i am only just starting to finish it off.