1 Post – 242 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

kde, linux, busses, open source and the good old Grateful Dead.

I think I would go with a 19 author study published in science over a bank report in May. MAY! How much data did they have? At least by December we could get some data to work with

But is doesn't matter what science says for you does it?

I understand your point. But the archive isn't giving you a copy. It will display 2 pages on your screen, using encryption, for up to 2 hours. You can turn pages and see a different 2 pages displayed, but that's it.

Is this a significant distinction from a copy, I don't know. But it does seem different as I cannot take that copy, I can only observe content and even then in a limited way.

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I can see where you are going with this. But there is NOT a copy in my browser. Only a representation of a fraction of the whole book at any given time. I cannot make a copy.

When I am viewing the section of the book, the rest of the book is "checked out". No one else can look at it. Is this not how a library works? I check out an item, then I take it back? Are they not making the steps to make sure I can check it out, read it, and then I have to give it back?

Since libraries are allowed to loan from their collection, what makes digital any different? In the case of video, if the library wanted to check out a video and stream it to me, I see no difference than me checking it out myself. In fact libraries are granted the right to show videos to me and small groups, so why can't I be farther away than in their building?

The current move of libraries to streaming services is exactly because of this. Now the library has a license, and cannot share the stream without the license. This is a move to remove physical items so that the possibility of streaming from a physical item is moot.

Yeah, I realize that. They waaaaay overstepped their rights on that one. But they are back to the original method.

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They really brought attention to themselves. But if I understand it the current discussion is about if all books need to be removed, or can they have controlled lending.

Strawberry or Clementine. I mean 100K entries in a database is nothing. Even for SQLite. You can add multiple library locations, this is no problem.

You probably want Strawberry as it is newer and maintained, but I still like Clementine for the extra features that Strawberry doesn't have yet. For you probably, not a big deal - things like podcast support, cloud support etc.

Four colleges simply met with their protestors, came to an agreement to not invest in companies supporting the war, and publicly call for peaceful resolution.

Why is it so damn hard for all the other ones?

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What? Settings: search for search. Change default. Click find more search engines. It offers hundreds of them.

This was not hard, nor obfuscated.

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They thought the service they hired was the least expensive.

The Janitorial service is the one cutting costs because they are not the ones using the toilet paper and they only care about their bottom line.

Nicer paper means they lose the contract. Capitalism and somebody else's problem all the way down.

I am somewhat happy I never joined spotify.

Seems like a monopoly that everyone belongs too. Yet they never really had the music I was after anyways.

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I am so annoyed that Twitter got ruined.

Don't get me wrong. I don't like Twitter. I don't follow anyone on Twitter. But if I had no other recourse I could complain about a corporation that wasn't paying any attention to me and they would do something about it.

By the way fuck FedEX. Is there a place on mastadon I can bitch about FedEx? I have had a mis-delivered package sitting on my porch for over a month. I call about every three or four days and tell them, pick up your package so it can go to the right place. They say they will get it. They never do.

Never use FedEx.

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This is incredibly dumb. And isnt this part of that bullshit "make america great again"?

An extremely popular group of kids in America were on the silver screen back in the day: Spanky, Sunshine Sammy, Pineapple, Bonedust, Skooter, Wheezer, Farina, Chubby, Breezy, Waldo, Porky, Buckwheat, Alfalfa.....

So back when America was "great" kids went by nicknames, alternative names, and everything was fine. But now the government has to be involved?

Oh wait, these laws are made to ostracize and antagonize a marginalized group of people! Thanks big government.


Wait: They are saying you can remove the Remote Desktop client? You mean the client you cannot use to connect to a Windows Home license because you cannot run remote desktop without a higher license?

Interesting flex there Microsoft.

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In these comments:

CEO admits to whistleblowers being disciplined at work (which everyone knew, he just is saying it)... suddenly becomes He admitted murder!

Sad. If you make up a reality because you feel that way, you are no better then they are.

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Everytime I read anything about lyft and uber I can't help but wonder what would happen if the drivers could get organized and form a non profit coop.

Get a new name, app, insurance, a board that runs the day to day operations.

Would it even be profitable then? At least it might be equitable.

It already does. I dislike using Chrome. Firefox works better, looks better, and containers are really useful to me.

Their take aways are crap:

  1. Windows offers complete compatibility with all games. I get what they are driving at, but I am amused that I have older games running on Linux that do not run on windows. They should have said most games run on windows, and if you dont mind root kits installed on your computer anti cheat ones do too.

  2. Xbox PC Game Pass provides access to a wide range of games. If you want a subscription. And a Microsoft account. Or in their case friends. And if you are going to share your pass with a friend, why not just sail the seas and call it a day?

  3. Windows is more versatile than Linux, allowing your gaming handheld to also serve as a primary desktop PC with the ability to connect peripherals and a monitor, providing a full-fledged computing experience. This adds value to a Windows-based handheld. This one pissed me off. No it is not more versatile. I use the steamdeck as my work computer when I am out of town and I use Linux on the desktop exclusively. I have a full fledged computing experience, thank you very much.

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Right there where it says Find More Search Engines:.

Or the other way, go to on any site, click the search bar and the option to add it as a search appears at the bottom of the search bar:

I went to the Quant website, and then it offered for me to add it as a search, hence the + symbol. Or click the settings button to "Find more search engines".

I will admit that having to browse through Firefox extensions is not as easy, but the ability to add an engine at any time, without even using settings, simply by visiting the web page is pretty simple.

Edit: I didnt find it hard at all, using the keyword search in the settings menu. But they also have a guide:

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Hybrid sucks. It's like the worst of both worlds.

If you are going to have meeting with remote and in office, never have anyone in a meeting room.

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Yeah. It was a rhetorical question.

What a sensational, over blown article. ArsTechnica this is shitty journalism and you should know it.

The headline would be about as correct if it said "SystemD update will bring Amiga's Guru Meditation screen to Linux."

This update has nothing to do with Windows. Error displays with additional information about the crash is not exclusive to windows, nor new. In fact a Kernel Panic screen happened in Unix.

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Also first post to Lemmy. I figure we all gotta contribute as I am liking it here.

My Firefox is synced with my desktop, Joplin is my note taker synced to an S3 instance. I use KDE connect on my desktop at home, I have not tried it with the steam deck, but I am thinking I should.

The thing is, most people don't consider installing an OS. Odds are the computer came with one.

Otherwise (aside from the paralysis of choice) neither Linux nor Windows present more or less of a challenge to install.

The people who find the most difficulty seem to be the ones who think they know better or have become used to the windows way of doing things.

As an aside, Last windows install I did required setting two registry keys during the install process. It was far more annoying than a typical Linux install.

I haven't had that problem at all. Maybe a month ago, but now its stable. On the other hand I suppose if might be relative to the instance you joined?

Ok. So why aren't we all using peertube?

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Ok this is a bit potato. Sorry about that. I was trying to figure out how to show it was a steam deck AND prove it is running on it. Obviously this isn't the way I would lay out the work normally, but I wanted to show many things at once. On the left is the Firefox Work Container with Remote Desktop in Azure. You can see Edge and Excel on a windows desktop. I use containers to keep work items separate from personal browsing. You can have many containers to isolate them from one another. Another way to connect to remote desktops that are on physical machines is using Remmina it supports RDP.

Above and to the right is Kate. Below that is Firefox with an amazon link to the USB device I am using: Caldigit usb C. It isn't mine, like the monitors I am only borrowing it. I do carry an Anker one with me though.

On the right is Lemmy, and then far right is a concert being streamed and displayed using Firefox's Picture in Picture with the sound playing over the portable Bluetooth JBL speaker (waterproof!). Because right now that is what I am doing, listening and watching this show.

Issues: full screen is weird on the left side, but you can use all the real estate if you dont ask for full screen. On the right, remote desktop gets odd when full screen if using an HTML browser interface.

Again sorry about the potato pic. When I am actually doing something I would layout the screen differently. And steam is running in the background, lol.

Edit: By the way posting images to imgur is so easy in KDE: just click the image to open it, select share > imgur. It will post to imgur and copy the url right into your clip board. Couldn't be easier.

Even if Firefox couldnt block ads just like chrome, I still would prefer it. So much nicer in every way.

It's just another third party app. But it has made the transition from a reddit app to a lemmy app.

Anything was better than reddit official app which was garbage. I preferred Relay. But for people used to sync, it is familiar and a smooth experience here like they were used to there.

For lemmy I prefer Jerboa an open source app, but sync is free to try as well (although it had ads).

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If you have been eating fast food for anything other than a treat, something is wrong anyways.

It's never really been cheap, and it certainly has never been good for you.

Weird that everyone is suddenly talking about it now.

And 5 guys? Lol it's always been way over priced.

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We mock crypto because anyone who has it wants to hoard it as an "investment". Nobody wants to use it as a currency.

I tried for years, buying and selling goods with crypto. I never purchased any crypto, I just earned it. I tried to talk others into the same. You need to spend to have value.... they just laugh and day hold your bags tight with diamond hands.

Yeah, it's never going to work.

I took the steam deck on my last trip out of country to use on the flight.

There was a monitor, mouse and keyboard at my destination. I worked for several weeks and used the steam deck in desktop mode for me, and used remote desktop on it for work.

So I didn't have to bring my laptop anymore.

Awesome little device.

Settings > advanced features > side key (or button depending) set to open camera or open app.

No additional software needed

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You would think he would pay, but look at OJ. Verdict to pay 30 million, and after all these years he only did 130,000.

Getting assets seized and wages garnished is not as easy as you would think.

When the platform you are on can't seem to figure out its own brand, maybe it is time to move on?

Americans are at 36% lactose intolerant. Which is surprisingly, to me anyways, high.

And should corn and cattle get the bulk of the subsidies? If it's about food alone, maybe not.

None of the devices I have owned in the last decade have scratches on the screen including the steam deck. They already are resistant to that.

What the hell do people do with them to get scratches?

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Uh, my server is an x86, is fanless and the cpu idles at 9 and maxes at 12. Is much faster then my pi and has quicksync.

I run plex, jellyfin, smb shares, mealie, tailscale and rerouting, notes, and books.

I like my pi but performance per watt isn't as drastic with x86 if you build for it. Did I mention it's also fanless? Passive heating that just works on the cpu.

I never did get a music subscription of any kind. Guess I am glad about that now. I just host my own server. Spotify never had a quarter of what I want to listen to anyways so I guess there is that.

Listening to Legion of Mary 12-10-1974 right now.

I agree. If anyone looks at windows support you will find the command line as well. It is much easier to copy paste a specific command than to try and diagram a series of paths and clicks to get something done. Neither OS requires it, but support is much easier when you do.

You are saying steam link for VR correct? Because Steam Link itself works fine.

The only thing I have to dual boot for is VR at this point. And I havent even done that in maybe 2 years. But it really is the final thing for me.

All the other games I care to play work fine. The last two Resident Evil's were flawless. Almost everything is pretty much click and play these days.

I remote to other computers and remote into my own, so I take it you are using Parsec for something specific? I never used it before.