Can Reddit—the Internet’s Greatest Authenticity Machine—Survive Its Own IPO? to – 89 points –
Can Reddit—the Internet’s Greatest Authenticity Machine—Survive Its Own IPO?

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To compare forced labor camps where the alternative is being murdered to people making the active choice to volunteer to serve as moderators is a comparison so lacking in perspective that I'd expect to only find it on Reddit, but I guess Lemmy has managed to foster the same kind of behavior.

Are you going to compare Reddit killing the API to the Holocaust next?

You had a point until the response became twice as long and disproportionate to the original comment. He didn’t even say “forced.”

I agree the term is overly hyperbolic, but let’s maybe dial it back dude

Forced is part of what a “labor camp” is.

Labor camp is not a place you send your kids in the summer.

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