Are you worried about microplastics? to Ask – 200 points –

I've been more and more conscious about microplastics. I was not aware that the laundry and dishwasher pods are just plastic which then goes into the water system.

What can be done to prevent microplastics?


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Great watch! Never knew I wanted to know so much about dishwashers

I really like that guy from the videos, so if you do, too, also check his video about a 50 year old toaster out! (It's cooler than any toasters we have nowadays and I want one)

I had one growing up. My sister has one now that she found in a thrift store. They are awesome.

maybe I should start checking thrift stores around me as well, hmmm... I doubt I'm going to find one of these seeing as I am in germany lol

edit: actually looks like there are a bunch available on ebay. I really should check those thrift stores around me...