My change to the Fediversa to – 116 points –

After i joined the Fediverse, i deleted my accounts on Reddit, Twitter & Facebook a few days later. Yesterday, i deleted TikTok too and i will delete Instagram more or less soon. I hope some friends will change to the Fedi until then.

Ive had enough of all the ads and people just want fame. Make Social Media better!


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Good for you, i havent deleted shit, but don't visit them often, changed my habits, dont regret it.

E-pen used to be a joke to measur you eletronic-penis and people would joke about it being you ego and used to measure the shit you did online, now e-pen seems to be real where people measure the number of followers to evaluate a person's worth, we are going in the wrong direction...

Yeah.. todays social media is more a commercial ad platform than social media.

the fediverse is the new 'futuristic' social media since its main goal is to connect people and make social media more social

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