Former federal judge: Supreme Court ‘dangerously betrayed’ democracy with Trump disqualification decision to politics – 430 points –
Former federal judge: Supreme Court ‘dangerously betrayed’ democracy with Trump disqualification decision

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The SCOTUS and other institutions will not save democracy.

This bears repeating. The SCOTUS and other institutions will not save democracy.

Institutions are corruptible. SCOTUS has been corrupted. That is where the US is.

Only citizen action can safeguard democracy.

Yeah. People don't seem to understand that once the fascists have stacked the highest court, it's game over for the justice system and any semblance of due process. The rule of law is dead. They succeeded in killing it.

Once the fascists have seized control of all 3 branches of government? No amount of voting, protesting, or peaceful demonstration is likely to improve the situation — at that point the only way to restore democracy is through armed revolution and civil war.

That's such blatant bullshit you should be ashamed. You don't beleive in democracy. You believe that it's war if things don't go your way.

Why so incensed? They are describing exactly what must happen to restore democracy once it has been corrupted into something else. What would you do under a fascist regime to bring about democracy, instead?

I read recently a comment that said "The only people who think favorably about SCOTUS are people who remember the Warren Court."

Now I'm not that old, but I think there's a lot of truth in that. SCOTUS got a lot of goodwill from the Warren Court for making progressive, popular, and legally sound rulings. Now people are surprised that under Roberts, the Court has returned to its more-often-than-not pro-business, pro-Christofascist, anti-everything-that-isn't-rich-white-men leanings.

Exactly. We had a momentary bubble of peace.

Safeguard? It's over if you ask me. We might as well start planning out our revolution already.

Worse: the SCOTUS started the civil war and later legitimized segregation.