12 months of record ocean heat has scientists puzzled and concerned

This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 255 points –
12 months of record ocean heat has scientists puzzled and concerned

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Human-caused climate change is likely playing a role, researchers said, but is probably not the only factor.

Whut? I stopped here. Because it is the only factor!

Typical media

Scientists: "IT'S GLOBAL WARMING!" Media: "Scientists are puzzled"

Fuck this world we've created for ourselves.

So you feel bad if republicans ignore science in regards to, let's say, Covid, but if the science doesn't fit your world view you feel okay to ignore it yourself?

A tad hypocratic hypocritical, no?

Minor correction:

It's hypocritical. Hippocratic is the oath that doctor's take to do no harm.