Songs about Vim to Programmer – 919 points –



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there aren't.

& most people don't even know what/ who C418 is...

He was that guy working on the music for that 0x10c game, right?

Haven't heard of 0x10c since 2012. Shame it was canceled, I love Elite and would love more games in its niche

I've found Ostranauts recently, and it's really fun and I feel has some of the same vibes. Not even close to the same though, being able to program your own systems that you put together. I still sometimes think about what 0x10c could have been. I've considered doing something similar myself, but I haven't gotten around to it. Maybe someday something similar will exist.

most people don't even know what/ who C418 is...

most people would recognise his songs though...

Cat by C418 is literally the only piece in the list I recognize.