This website that threatens anyone who right clicks to Mildly – 978 points –

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In my whole life I never bought digital audio or video content on vinyl, VHS, CD, DVD, Blueray. Never ever. It sounds as weird to me like paying for air to breath.

But one day I visited a live concert of a small band which I loved as a teenager. After the show I met with their drummer, gave him €200 cash and said "You know, when I was young you were cool about kids copying your music without paying. You told us if we like you music we can enjoy it. And if we can afford it, we can pay you. Back then I couldn't. Today I can."

And so I paid them five times as much as I saved back then by copying their music.

You are a very good person.

This is utterly irrelevant to people copying multi-million sales dickshits like Metallica.

I bet Lars would have declined the money and ask for your info then sued.