1 Post – 181 Comments
Joined 4 months ago


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I don’t understand why they arrested him.

He only killed a single person.

He’s got another two left before it becomes a problem.

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Ah yes, genocidal fascism reappears. Marvellous. (Not)

Oh Charlie. My woodchipper aches for your hot body.

Read “we don’t like black people and the continuing cultural legacy of how our white ancestors (and us now) destroyed their ability to have good education and jobs and the social issues that creates and now we’re running away from the problem”.

Uh huh…

Bibi, you are a total asshole. You have destroyed any possible goodwill you might’ve gained for Israel. I now have nothing but bad feelings for ANY Zionist sentiment. Before I had some sympathy. Not any longer. You are the Hitler of the Jews.

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Can someone translate back to non-fuckwit human please?

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Ah yes. Christian love.

What fucking shithead.

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“Remember…” No.

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Oh you mean Twitter?

Yeah, ‘X’ is never gonna happen.


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What an arsehole .

You are a very good person.

This is utterly irrelevant to people copying multi-million sales dickshits like Metallica.

She’s such a turd.

Thanks folks. I’m here all week. Try the fish.

Yeah but he was black so… so what?

-Florida Police.

Kid’s got a thousand times more sense than his old man.

He gets them to run in giant hamster wheels, generating electricity to sell back to the grid.

Why don’t they pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and stop looking for handouts?

Gosh, I mean what could guns NOT fix?!??

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Your workplace sounds very infantile and possibly toxic.

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There is actually a mostly unrelated phrase from the north of England; “Nowt queer as folk.” Meaning ‘People can be strange in their behaviour’.

This may or may not have fed into ‘Queer Folk’. But it certainly was the source of a UK TV drama series called ‘Queer as Folk’ in the 90s.

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What a bunch of glue eaters.

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TIL the African National Congress makes audio equipment.

She is such a fuckwit. I mean, ok, go ahead and help destroy the GOP, I’m cool with that. Just make sure when you burn the building down that you are locked inside, ok?

She was AWESOME.

She only got her position by giving a wristy to Trump.

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Yay! Go Republicans! /s

You fucking idiots.

I delighted she ruined a GOP fundraiser.

LOL you are such a fool. It’s irrelevant what you feel about manufactured ‘Western chauvinism’, the fact that that China and other countries are brutal authoritarian regimes is the problem. The people need to rise up and throw off their chains.

Fuck Putin with the big stick.

They shouldn’t give him anything. Maybe some colouring books for her s assistant to do while he directs.

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Their heads are made of guns?!?

WTF kinda mask is that?!?

CNN is owned by a conservative who is almost certainly meddling in their editorial policy.

“Overserved” LOL.

Margarine Taylor Greene needs to be beaten severely until she shuts the fuck up. She is an absolute waste of space and destroys valuable time that the government could be using to actually solve problems.

The thing is. Any advert I hear is typically for a product I will never purchase. And TBH even if it was a category of thing I might purchase, the fact that I’m being assaulted by an advert means I am guaranteed not to purchase that thing.

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