Crass Spektakel

6 Post – 71 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

In East Germany the people loved their nation most only weeks before collapse: 99,92% voted for the pro-soviet government.

Then the CIA dropped 20 million agents from invisible helicopters which fakes mass demonstrations and used mind-control rays to make them love the west and hate the soviet union.

In the first election after reunification the Communists got 11,1% of all votes in Former East Germany. Damned CIA mind control rays.

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Wow, this goes deeper. A fresh Edge browser does show the link post. A old Edge browser doesn't. All browsers with strict privacy settings don't show the link. Firefox in Private Mode and with Adblock doesn't show it. Edge and Chrome in private mode don't show it either. A fresh chrome doesn't show it. An older Installation of Chrome does.

Reddit is doing something very strange.

Edit: It seems some browsers showed the messages when they were fresh in the cache. Obviously they are displayable for a fraction of a second before getting shadow-filtered.

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In my whole life I never bought digital audio or video content on vinyl, VHS, CD, DVD, Blueray. Never ever. It sounds as weird to me like paying for air to breath.

But one day I visited a live concert of a small band which I loved as a teenager. After the show I met with their drummer, gave him €200 cash and said "You know, when I was young you were cool about kids copying your music without paying. You told us if we like you music we can enjoy it. And if we can afford it, we can pay you. Back then I couldn't. Today I can."

And so I paid them five times as much as I saved back then by copying their music.

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Selenskyj was right: Prigozhin will be dead after two months. And he isn't the only hardliner. I think within the last month six out of ten of the hardest hardliners fell out of the window. Or out of the sky.

Seems like Putin is currently liquidating the hardliners so there will be no negative feed back when he ends his "special operation" in a couple of weeks. Message at home will be: Wow, we did great, nobody objects and the world is in awe! And who disagrees will find an open window to jump through...

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Enter German and Gendering: You can not say Programmer to address all Programmers in the room. You have to call them Programmerin und Programmer or Programmer:in or Programmende. And yes, most of these words aren't even German but if you don't use them you are a Grammar Nazi.

And btw, the fact that we address females with "die" does not mean we want them dead, thank you and have a good day.

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In 2021 I wrote a story "The Typo which saved humanity" on Reddit and it exploded to 3000 upvotes in less than a day. A couple of years later I wrote a story "Day of the Fat Man" which got 50 upvotes. Everybody I ask considered the second one the better one.

Then I reposted those stories on Youtube and Facebook and both got around the same upvotes, around 5k+ on each.

Yes, Reddit has become quite dead.

But to be honest, my stories on Lemmy got like 50 upvotes so... meh.

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2015: Share your Netflix between four people, everyone pays $4 per month, have access to 80% of all online content. The interface is shit but you keep up with it because it is cheap.

2023: You pay $20 for Netflix, pay $15 for Disney, pay $15 for Hulu, pay $10 for Amazon Prime, $15 for Discovery, $15 for Paramount, $15 for Youtube, have access to 50% of all online content. The interface is still shit and you wonder why you pay for that shit.

Joe Average: πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ˜ŽπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ˜ŽπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ˜ŽπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ˜ŽπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ˜ŽπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ and the interface is easier than ever.

My 2013 Highest-End Smart-TV barely works with Youtube and no longer with anything else. But Burning Series still works marvellous. Another thing: "Consuming" pirated content is not "illegal" in Germany. It is a violation of private property which the rights owner can sue in a civil court. But as long as you don't use P2P services where you also upload - which would indeed be a fellony - he can not detect what you do and can not take any action against you - so One-Click-Hosters and Warez-Streaming is totally safe. And if the rights owner could find out about you he could at most send you a cease-and-desist-order with a one-time-fee of at max $100 because it is a minor incident. As far as I know there was never a user of Warez-Streaming who paid anything.

The only bad thing: DNS is nowadays filtered at the big Telcos and Providers which means I have to change the DNS inside my Routers to Cloudflare and Google. Which are a lot faster anyway.

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You know, what you can not find on EBay you can find on PBay. Or whatever warez site you prefer.

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No, dots are NOT necessary. Actually you do not even need to supply a domain or a top level domain because mails then default to the default system which is usually localhost.

But even for routed mail there doesn't need to be a dot.

There is still valid Bang-Adressing for UUCP routed emails:


This is a valid email which basically means "send my email to bigsite, from there to foovax, then to barbox, to the user me."

And if you are in a playful mood - mix FQDN and BANG addressing...

A couple of years ago I made Hotmail crash by sending a mail to!!!!!!!!... [repeated it for 32kByte] ...!myuseraccount - their server literally crashed completely all over the world for like 15 minutes. I am so proud of myself but then it was their fault for not complying to RfC822.

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I rooted my 2013 Samsung TV and overclocked it from 800 to 1200Mhz (the whole system is actually build for 1200Mhz but only the Highend-Ones are qualified for it). To my surprise the amount of data it send to Samsung was quite reasonable but still I removed most of it. Full removal of Internet is not an option because then I lose HbbTV and Prime TV which is like 50% of what I use that device for. And since I rooted it I also use it for BS and the public broadcasting mediatheks. Also, it now runs Quake2 in 1920x1080 in ~20fps.

88% is so typical - for Nazis it means the eight letter of the alphabet twice, which means "Heil Hitler". Given that the Z symbol of his genocidal war looks like a half Swastika we can now finally agree: Putin is the reincarnation of Hitler.

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Written in hand coded assembler language: Maybe 100 cycles. Actually Quake from 1997 used a very similar prediction for network coding and not joking, it took less than 60 cycles and the very same code has been used to guide the IRIS-T system - which by the way uses an 1.4Ghz ARM Quadcore.

Written in Dotnet: Your computer is to old. No matter which computer.

NSFW seems reasonable though there is so much porn on Reddit I wonder what they are thinking. But normal Links? That is pretty low. But well, it is Reddit. Only X is worse.

Yep, around 200. The Missile meanwhile travels 0,2mm

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Weeding out FARC and Shining Path actually did teach valuable lessons which habe been repeatedly reapplied successfully during modern counter-terrorism.

Both where heavily invested in organized crime but are nowadays toothless or non-existant due to coordinated goverment and civilian efforts.

The Best example might be "The Sons of Iraq" who helped to pacify Iraq quite well. The Coalition literally hired local people suffering most from extremists to fight the extremists and it worked like a charm. FARC and Shining Path were pushed into insignificance by roughly the same methods.

Yes, there were "revenge" killings by the "somewhat good guys" against the "really bad guys". But in hindsight it was necessary to show the "really bad guys" that the tables had turned. As long as the overall violence decreases - deal with it.

Oh, by the way, did you know that the Mafia once was an organized military organization fighting for Sicilian independence? Over the last 200 years they slowly degraded into a bunch of sometimes wealthy oligarchic stock market fraudsters, but mostly pick pockets and low level fraudsters, at most bribing officials for construction jobs, if at all. 40 years ago they killed judges and police officers in the dozen. Nowadays they get beat up if they show up in Palermos shops and demanding the Pizzo (protection money). And the police stands by and collects the beaten gangster afterwards without minding the locals doing local justice. Works fine.

do you see the message with the link to too?

This is exactly how it started in Germany in the 1930ths:

Old people dreaming of the Empire - which by the way did very little for them - and not really into politics. They just wanted a change.

And then voted for their own hangman.

Best argument a relative told me why he voted for Hitler: "I thought he was a funny guy with excellent dark humor. I didn't knew he wasn't joking."

I just want to point out there are some plugins and scripts to use Youtube from VLC. The "Library" then works as a search frontend. It is supercool though I can't find the link at the moment. I remember I had to download some scripts manually and place them into my VLC-Installation. Another bone: Massively reduced CPU power. Playing a Youtube-Video in Firefox needs like four times more power. Really nice if you work on battery.

It is all about content and bragging rights. Everything else just distracts.

People consume media for fun.

People create media for feedback.

Feedback can be Upvotes, Money or stupid hats.

Your community is your live blood.

Everything else doesn't matter.

Good enough for the later Echelons. There is a ton of logistic and support troops basically never needing to use their guns and they will be happy having a gun with two mags forever.

For Crows this is also true. My Grandpa befriended a couple of Crows and even 40 years later their decendents visit us. We usually play with walnuts, they bring them to me, I open them for them and take some for myself. Smart birds, if I take more than half they get angry. But taking every second one - they are cool about that.

So true... I'll make up some technobabble about copyright, DRM and flux-compensator why she can not use the Avatar...

Who is "they"? Names, pls.

Well, in the 1970/1980 there actually were still a lot of black and white movies on TV. "The Streets of San Francisco" "Kojak" "Dragnet" not to mention the endless reruns of Stan and Laurel.

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Give him "The Salvation War" from Stuart Slate to read.

That will shut him up.

Sell it to him as a story about the rupture and the fight of the unbelievers against their destiny.

He will then find out that the story doesn't play out like the bible told... as Humanity curb-stomps hell and heaven into dust without blinking. And if he ever dares to speak the topic again, cite the book. I personally love the part when a random US marine puts a janitor on Gods throne because that guy is the only one knowing what he is doing. Though the pope excommunicating god for being not worthy also has its merit. Ah, Satan gets it too. He hides in a dirt hole from B-52 bombers.

try or just for the giggles. Mix it with BANG-Adressing:!!user

I have a serious question!

What could Hamas do to end this blood sheet?

What could the Gazans do to end this blood sheet?

Please answer seriously. I am not asking for what anyone else could do. That has been discussed to exhaustion. I want to hear the options of the two mentioned. No one else.

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I updated the original post, it is not Reddit but Reddit HFY.

Gawd, the way Reddit tries to shadow ban is like a five minute hack for me to counter with a tiny perl script. It helps absolutely nothing against bots but annoys normal users.

I don't want to rain on your parade but I'll do it anyway: The numbers of active posts and members in Lemmy communities, even in the most active ones, are mindbogglingly low in comparison with Reddit, even in comparison to somethingawful what I still consider the dirty cousin of Reddit.

All the numbers are just two sizes lower than Reddit and then there is the atrocious web interface. I have stopped counting how often my posts got eaten, the reply button didn't react and general stuff didn't work at all.

I remember they were filtered even by Reddit because people couldn't see where the link led.

Using Unicode-Chars doesn't help for Links :-)

There is a stupid alternative: I now link my Reddit-Wiki (yes, my 30something stories have a Wiki) and put the link there. I have no filters on my Wiki ofcourse.

Yeah, the C64 is so much fun because it is so different. Really something else. It feels so... raw and full of surprises. I did program a lot on it. I also own an Amiga (two actually, a 1000 and a 3000) but they are so far ahead of the C64 that you can not compare them. I have Web, Mail, a ton of Unix stuff and more on my 3000. It pretty much feels like a modern system just a really slow one. Loading a JPEG with 1024x768 in 24bits - the highest resolution my Amiga can display - takes like 30 seconds ;-)

Hey, if it makes you happy and you don't swing it around in front of my face: you have my blessing.

If you are living in Romania you might also remember how life was there 20-50 years ago. The stories my buddy told me about his time over there are... wow. The story how his Grandpa as a major of a small village during communism stole enough money from the communist party until he could bribe his way to the West - and actually nobody minded him stealing like 90% of all money going to his village... In the late 1990ths my buddy was robbed at gun point twice. By Highway-Police. When he invited his Uncle to a good restaurant in the capital the simple farmer didn't dare to step through the door because "I am not worthy"... Nowadays... it is a lot more relaxed. Not perfect but the really big shit is gone. Still he thinks most Romanian youngsters are kinda crazy but most Europeans are, just in a different way. And the tourist regions are actually quite nice.

The Albanian Government ist pretty well aware of their lack of control and gave full control over shipping lanes to FRONTEX around ten years ago.

That by the way is the main reason nowadays drugs mostly arrive in Rotterdam again. Easier to hide between millions of metric tons of cargo than in a single fishing boat.

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Well as the banning is instantaneous I guess it is from Reddit itself. The post just never shows up. Simple tricks seem to bypass the filter: https://lemmy(dot)world/post/3375662 (Reddit filters their biggest competitor) gets through

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Hamas has no soldiers because they don't qualify for the Geneva definition of a soldier. For example they usually operate disguised as civilians which makes them unlawful.

They do qualify as "armed unlawful combatants" though. "Unlawful" means they don't fall under the rules of war but under civilian Israeli law.

And to realize who is an armed combatant it is enough seeing he carries a weapon and then they are legit targets. If someone picks up his weapon he becomes the next legit target. And so on. The unarmed combatants - yes, those exist by the Geneva defintion too - are also legit targets although with more caveats. Overall it is a reliable way to get killed while holding a weapon. Much less if you drop it.

Just because came with a knife to a gun fight doesn't mean you have extra rights.

And one more question, after all this guilt-mongering I would like to hear what options Hamas has to end the conflict.

While I don't need a Karma System I would like to have some statistics to brag about or at least to look at.

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I can assure you that there are regions within the European Union where people are even less poor and not trying anything criminal to get rich. I'm referring to parts of Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and southern Italy.

Not to mention Third-Party-Members like Albania, Moldovia, Bosnia or Macedonia who are partially Third-World-Nations.

You won't find poppy plants there. And while there is some organized crime - surely more than north of these countries - they are more or less under control and operate in the shadows.

But then the EU is also relaxed about giving work visas. Lots of people from those nations do some seasonal work within the EU, earning good money. We have all sorts of Ukrainians, Albaniens and even Tunesiens around Germany doing such jobs. Usually they earn enough money within two years to return home and start a family and a business.

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actually I know that video and it was BS. HE was talking about a MASSIVE mirror. That one would reflect like 90% of incoming light. I am talking about a non-stabilized foil reflecting about 30-60% of incoming light. That is a lot easier to do and weights less than 2% of a full mirror. It would take 50 Ariana6 launches for the whole thing.

actually solar wind and electric charging of the rotating foil should do the trick. The gravitational effects around L1 are miniscule. If you are e.g. 1km away from L1 then it is less than 0,001% of earths gravity. The touch of a butterfly could literaly move the mirror.

We can’t even deal with a lowball pandemic together as a nation.

My nation got pretty well behind the pandemic procedures and we had an vaccine like six months after the outbreak.

Oh, btw, I think a Mega-Project would be a much more feasable approach to the problem than Eco-Stalinism.