Trump stands to make $3.5 billion from his 60% share of Truth Social now that it has become a meme stock to politics – 57 points –
Trump stands to make $3.5 billion from his 60% share of Truth Social now that it has become a meme stock

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If he tries to sell large amount at once, presumably the price would plummet. I can't imagine there are anywhere near 3.5 billion dollars of buyers out there for this.

He doesn’t need to sell.

He just needs someone willing to give him a loan with the stock as collateral.

Also, the Russians or Saudis might be willing to fork over in exchange for “consideration” this just thinly veils it as not-a-bribe(but it is totally a bribe.)

I can't imagine a bank accepting Truth Social stock as collateral, especially at this volume. Some stable blue chip, maybe.

He can't sell for six months after it goes public, nor can he use his shares as collateral for a loan in those six months. If he loses the election, stock will tank, so IPO needs to be delayed until mid-May to potentially royally screw him over.