Former Twitter users, what were your "I'm outta here!" moment? to – 43 points –

I will start:

It was after I saw that it rebranded to "X". Set my acc to private, logged out and deleted it from my phone over the course of a day.

I asked a similar question on Masto months before, and decided that it would be great to do it here.


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For me it was the stupid kitchen sink incident.

Elon was showing his true colors and I just knew it wouldnt be enjoyable for me to use after that.

Any more context about the "kitchen sink incident"?

It was just one of his juvenile stunts, but it struck a chord with me that he was a jackass and not the visionary that the media had largely painted him out to be until that time.

This is like the story about the person who sent a bag of peanuts with their resume to show that they were 'going nuts' wanting to work there. Same dumb pun energy.