12 Post – 14 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

This is going to fuck over kids that go through precocious puberty and cancer patients.

I don't know if anybody knows this, but Nintendo's aggressive tirade on emulators and fangames is a symptom of Japan's strict copyright laws, given that it's a Japanese company and one of those that follow it to its words.

Reminder that Laila Mickelwait (the lady responsible for the TraffickingHub movement) was secretly in possession of CSAM that was saved in her device years after it was deleted off PH, and Mike Bickle is an alleged sexual assaulter/harasser.

The people that complain that anything from China is a spyware product are the very same people that use sites like Facebook and Google, that are technically American/Western spyware.

I have a feeling that this was never about the CCP and that it is all racially-motivated.

Thank you for the nice comment. And yeah, the Internet is a truly dangerous place.

It's technically 13+ according to Reddit's rules, but should've been higher than that, given the nature of the site.

Thank you, I really appreciate it.

Damn. Now Death Battle is gonna disappear forever.

Thank you. I stopped thinking it was okay since years ago.

I also find it really vile that on the r/OffMyChest subreddit, there are users saying vile things about disabled people (especially the intellectual/developmental kind) and they are allowed to get away with it under the guise of "venting".

Fandom and art stuff.

Agree. Reddit is like the mirror to the dark side of humanity.

Any more context about the "kitchen sink incident"?

1 more...

Aaah, I'm so tempted

Hello, guys! Back here with an update from me.

I just want to say thank you all for being supportive of me. At the time I posted that, I was afraid that something bad was gonna happen, but I just had to be brave. Beehaw has this aura of kindness that is very rare to see on the web nowadays, and I am all for it.

Since posting it, me and my mind could finally be at peace and move on from that gruesome ordeal I went through. No matter what happened in the past, I will not and never let it define who I am as a person.

Right now, I have to go back and focus on my personal things.