Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons to Mildly – 836 points –

Can't wait to graduate so I don't have to run Respondus and keep dealing with this crap


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I don't think shorts are bad, but they aren't the reason I go to YouTube at all. They are just in the way.

I wouldn't even mind them as much if they showed you who posted the short before you watched it. There are a few creators I like enough that I'd watch shorts by, but I've got no way to know it's by them

I like short form content too, but not on my longer form content website. And I wouldn't want ten minute videos on my movie service.

I agree. Shorts are just a way for me to discover new creators when I'm on the toilet since my recommendations page sucks now and never recommends new creators to me.

Collaberations and word-of-mouth are the main ways I find new creators, the algorithm sucks at understanding the finer points.

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