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Joined 11 months ago

Completely true, but also compression can make anything bad. I've seen 480p better 1080p simply because the 480p was using more bitrate, where the 1080p is encoded without enough relatively speaking.

Not to completely spring to IKEAs defense here, but I heard they really were affected by production and shipping problems during covid. It's reasonable prices would go up, and at least good that they are going down again.

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Why wait and hope for C++ to get where modern languages are now? I know there's value in the shared experience in C++ that if adapted would make it stronger, but I can only see a development of C++ having to force a drop of a lot of outdated stuff to even get started on being more suitable.

But the language is just not comfortable to me. From large amounts of anything creating undefined behavior, the god awful header files which I hate with a passion, tough error messages and such. I also met a fun collision of C++ in Visual Studio and using it with CMake in CLion.

I've just started looking at rust for fun, and outside not understanding all the errors messages with the bounded stuff yet, figuring out what type of string I should use or pass, and the slow climb up the skill curve, it's pretty nice. Installing stuff is as easy as copy pasting the name into the cargo file!

Rust is just the prospective replacement of C++ though, people act like the White house said that C++ should be replaced by rust now. But the just recommend it and other languages, C# will do for a lot of people that does not need the performance and detail that the aforementioned languages target. Python is targeting a whole different use, but often combined with the faster ones.

C++ will live a long time, and if the popularity dies down it will surely be very profitable to be a developer on the critical systems that use it many years from now. I just don't think an evolution of C++ is going to bring what the world needs, particularly because of the large amount of existing memory related security vulnerabilities. If things were good as they are now, this recommendation would not be made to begin with.

This is also the reason I'm all open source. Not just games, but seeing someone abandon a program hurts. Or just wanting to make a change on your own to suit your needs. I don't have any big fancy programs, but I at least put my code openly on for that reason. Both my "big" ones are just me using another program and realizing I could make something that worked better for me. At like 100x the time investment, but programming is fun.

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I don't think shorts are bad, but they aren't the reason I go to YouTube at all. They are just in the way.

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Every time you open anything in office applications you get these small pop-ups

  • See what changes others did?

  • We added a new feature, do you want to see it?

Pretty sure that site is satire, iirc with some right leaning bias but my memory is vague.

So it's political ads, but at least fake politics :P

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New car smell, it's awful. Sort of stale plastic if I were to describe it.

Amplified by long trips on bad roads as kid. Guaranteed to make you feel like vomiting on some sections. Now when I anticipate/pack for a trip I tend to smell that again even though I'm not even in a car.

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Getting out quicker is always good.

But the main reason, there isn't much traffic where you are backing in. But backing out sure as hell will have both passing cars and people assume you see them perfectly well. I also have no depth perception so the ass of my car is like a big unknown. So backing into a spot is easy because I can just use the side mirror to line up my position relative to there cars. Only issue is how far back I can go. Now I got a camera back there, and everything is much easier.

Our company did a thing like this, focusing on the manager and above. They got password and authenticator codes out of them and admin access to the slack...

Good method to have users learn about critical thinking.

All of them are OK, except mkv is less a file type and more a container. What should be specified is the code for video, which for most things I'd say AV1, but high res movies might not be the most suitable. Throw in opus for the audio track, and you can use mkv, but might as well use webm anyways since it's more clear what's behind it. (though can still be other things)

I'd also add that jxl should be the standard for lossy images. Better than jpg. And you want something other than png for massive images because that quickly gets costly in terms of size due to png being lossless.

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I made do with my IDE, even after getting a developer job. Outside shenanigans involving a committed password, and the occasional empty commit to trigger a build job on GitHub without requiring a new review to be approved, I still don't use the commandline a lot.

But it's true, if you managed to commit and push, you are OK. Even the IDE will make fixing most merges simple.

Easily achievable if you only take calls in working hours. Then all working hours will have more than average calls per hour for a day.

Can't possibly be any of those reconnaissance tours held the days before. /s

Brushing off safety in a single small paragraph sure makes me feel like its not trying to make a serious argument. Sure a handyman likes the simplicity and freedom, but considering this:

In 2019, a Microsoft security engineer reported that 70% of all security vulnerabilities were caused by memory safety issues.[7] 

From Wikipedia, it's pretty clear memory security is a pretty substantial topic in the programming world. Brushing that off because you do not care makes for a bad argument.

Probably not your problem, but my completely different phone (oneplus 7 pro)has been pretty solid. But, lint and dust gathered into the port, making some of the plugs extremely loose to the point it would fall out from the weight of the cable... I took a needle and scraped out the compacted lint at the bottom. (avoiding touching the middle thing in the port. Good as new afterwards, even the one cable I've been using with the phone since 2019 which is pretty loose after use now, still sits without problems when moving the phone around.

But I'd definitely suggest cleaning it out if you haven't. Even the small specs you get out makes a big difference. My powerbank came wouldn't stay in, after cleaning it's more well behaved. But there's a clear difference in USB-c plugs and how they fit phones.

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Pretty much anything in katakana in Japan is loanwords.

Very interesting about flew markets though, Norway is the same as Sweden here.

I kinda get where he is coming for though. AI is being crammed into everything, and especially in things where they are not currently suited to be.

After learning about Machine learning, you kind realize that unlike "regular programs" that ML gives you "roughly what you want" answers. Approximations really. This is all fine and good for generating images for example, because minor details being off of what you wanted probably isn't too bad. A chat bot itself isn't wrong here, because there are many ways to say the same thing. The important thing is that there is a definite step after that where you evaluate the result. In simpler ML you can even figure out the specifics of the process, but for the most part we evaluate what the LLM said or if the image is accurate to our expectations. But we can't control or constrain the output to exactly our needs, because our restrictions largely are just input in a almost finished approximation engine.

The problem is, that companies take these approximation engines, put them in their product and consider their output fact. Like Ai chatbots doing customer support, and make up facts like the user that was told about rules that didn't exist for an airline, or the search engines that parrot jokes or harmful advice. Sure you and I might realize that these things come from a machine that doesn't actually think about it's answers, but others don't. And throwing a "*this might be wrong because its AI" on it is not an acceptable waiver of accountability.

Despite this, I use chatgpt and gemini a lot to help me program, they get a lot of things wrong but also do great. It's a great tool, exactly because I step in after the approximation step, review and decide. I'm aware of the limits. But putting these things in front of "users" without a review step means you are advertising that you are either unaware of this flaw, or just see the cost-benefit analysis and see that if noting else it'll generate interest during the hype.

There is a huge potential, but throwing AI into a situation where facts are needed when it's only making rough guesses, is the wrong way about it.

I love discord for small communities, not that I have that many I'm in though. But friend groups, and niche topics. Places where the chat generally is a single discussion or two at a single point in time. And the voice chat is superb. Just drop in and out is convenient.

But it sure as fuck doesn't compete with what reddit and Lemmy is doing.

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Reminds me of folding cardboard boxes. If you are taking a flat piece and make a box of it, are you folding a box or unfolding the cardboard. Or both. And when you do the reverse, you do the same, do you not?

It's fairly common, you'll see plenty of Tesla in Norway at least.

I could have ended up with Tesla if I could earn a car before Elon ruined his public persona. Now I'm definitely not getting one. But I do think anyone will get much negative feedback. I'd probably advice them to avoid one, but they are still better then it comes to software, most cars are shit at that.

I do hope a potential strike helps change their image more though.

Played a lot of rainbow six siege, where you have to shoot those 360° security cameras when you are attacking. So, now I'm trained to spot those on instinct.

I think the point is that we can't know what's going on deeper down, and changes happening there could be a reason to changes in the cycle. No idea if that's a reasonable suggestion, as I don't know about workings of sunspots and the cycle here.

So you say, but it does make me flinch when it suddenly hits.

The simplicity of Google Photos has me still rolling with that.

But for all my music, syncthing is the best. In my case it's synced to my phone though, and also backuped up from that to the cloud.

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I saw these magic windows on my computer, and I too wanted the godlike power to control how they worked and what the buttons did. I looked into Python, then started University and they also taught us Python for science use. With exception of a C++ class, I self learned and used it, then managed to convince a company to hire me to develop, despite being a chemical engineer.

My first program was a GUI wrapper for YouTube-dl, and I still use it frequently.

A lot of external drives are just internal devices with another controller and casing around. I had a 4TB I used with my laptop, and tore apart the casing and just plugged it into my desktop when I built one. Unless you start hammering the external case around, the drive will be fine.

Except global warming, even if we went net zero today, is still gonna have temps rise for a long time. We'll have to go net negative by a ton before we can reverse the effect.

Not to mention, cheap to make doesn't imply full on adoption. Oil, gas and coal will still be in use around then. I'd love to be wrong here, but it costs more to change than to stick with what's working.

I do this on my 7 pro. It's a slight annoyance, but for my phone the trick is to condition myself to press on the volume switch above the power button instead, when I want to adjust the volume.

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I just mean, when you hold the phone you instinctively have your finger on the power button and audio button. That amount of force won't press any down. But when you want change volume, you also press power button by accident. Instead, to avoid this i try to place my finger on the audio slider(ring, vibrate, silent slide, so not actually a button you press) that is above the power button. As that also forms a natural place to place your finger. At least with the case I'm using.

It doesn't exactly prevent pressing volume when going for the power button though, so you have to be a bit aware of if you have the finger on the audio buttons. But for me, it most happens when I change volume, and not when using the power button.

Not sure if it was security, but one can of soda/alcohol went missing from each of our luggage traveling back from Hawaii. I assumed it was for drug tests, but we got our stuff back broken into with the zippers bent open to circumvent the locks, along with scratch marks on the locks. TSA should have had a key for the universal unlock. But they only took a single can, one out of 5 for me. Only happened traveling through the US with checked in baggage, that got lost on the way.

It gets less effective, down to running at 100% and not moving heat. Heat pumps work by expanding a gas, which cools it. Since it's cold, the "heat" outside was the gas. Then the gas is taken inside and compressed, the gas heats up from the compression (since all the energy is squeezed into a smaller space, effectively speaking). Now that heat can be transferred to the colder air inside. So long as the expanded gas turns colder than the outside, it can absorb heat.

From a Google, common ones can go as low as - 25C, which means they are able to cool a gas to lower temps than that when expanded. There is still heat to get, even in -25C.

Been a while since I used the new thing, immediately hated it. All on mobile.

First of a, the bottom scroll thing on my phone to select a server or whatever it was just ain't it. I didn't use it much, but it seemed extremely annoying to move between dm and servers, especially if they weren't the top ones. You can get lists and such by swiping.

Second was that server channels turned into a huge mess. Showing the last message makes absolutely no sense on any server I use. Especially on bigger game server like destiny group finding one's already long lists turned into miles long lists. Absolutely unusable. I need things compact and clean personally, having the channels big and wide wastes so much space, and again long lists.

Being in a server hides any notifications and dms too.

Everything that was close at hand before is now far away. And that sucks for me.

I think the key fault lies in that most companies are publicly traded stock companies.

It challenges what corporations are at the heart. A company owned through stocks is controlled by those stock holders, and exist to make the stock holders money. It's expected for the stock to be worth it by growing, not paying out dividends. (but that is also another layer)

But that's not why a company should exist, it should turn a profit but ultimately it's about being a source of income to its workers. But stocks go against that, since stocks seek to extract money to the non-working owners. Well paid workers is rather contrary to the goal of the stock owners, as long as you can keep going.

The advantage of stock companies were getting investment to start and grow, but it forever shackles the company bar some rich maniac buys the whole thing for his own crazed ideas.

Private companies aren't guaranteed to be good either, but if they are set up right they at least aren't just a funnel of money for the people at the top.

Its because so much money can be gotten out of the perpetual invest, grow, squeeze and sell that things are as they are today. You're not a worthy company if you just increase your cash flow in line with inflation.

The need to grow also comes back as enshitification, planned obsolescence (or just made as cheap as possible), high focus on consumable products or subscriptions to ensure a steady flow of income. Making a product lasting for life? One and done, you'll grow until the market is saturated and then collapse because the cash flow simply won't be there.

Its especially noticeable when the economy takes a hit, all things go from being good investment objects to being something that needs to turn profit. So all the future profit is dropped, tons of layoffs, and rapidly increasing subscription costs. All to counter the reduced demand. Take streaming, the market fragmented, interest rates spiked so holding debt is bad, consumers have less money to spend easily. So the big ones take steps, more ads, crack down on sharing, layoffs, reduced selection and cancelation of various shows and projects. And then stock holders can be happy they once again have a good year and good growth of profit despite turbulent times.

Edit: By contrast a private company is not beholden to any requirement to cancerous growth. It too will be hurt by not having steady cash flow, but they don't need to grow until they are so big that they need constant growth to stay alive. But a private company can be steady for years without problem.

It's probably more common that scientific notation is used. So 3.2 *10^4 or simply 3.2e4. From the little physics I had, you often used kilometers instead of something like megameters. Or used just lightyears when you got on a big enough scale.

It is not a defense of the manufacturers, but EVs are still damn expensive to make. And they are completely at fault for that too, because everyone except Tesla dragged their feet about making the EV transition.

I don't know what's required for KLWP support in a launcher, but KLWP is a live wallpaper with touch interaction. Don't know if stock support that on my phone. But some cool setup like media player functionality, time and such, in the font and size I want. And some other disguised shortcuts.

But for me in actual Nova, it being able to style app icons individually, swipe actions on app icons, and the dock at the bottom being able to slide to have more apps. And pretty standard now, but swipe up for app drawer and down for notifications. It works especially well with OnePlus gestures that I'm still holding on to.

It's worth adding I greatly prefer MS Auth style authentication, since I don't have to find the right entry to read the Auth code and then write it on the other computer. Instead MS pops a notification and you either type or select the right number, verify with fingerprint and done. Much more convenient.

It often tells you what you login into and where you are attempt to log in from, so it's a few extra layers of security for those that have that awareness to check those details.

On the 7 Pro, stuck on the oneplus navigation gestures, pop up front facing cam. Fully working phone, still no other phone to replace it when it comes to having a screen without a bump. And I can get a free phone through work, but there isn't one I want yet...

Here's my view:

Efuel is less efficient, simply because engines that use it are. We waste at least 50% of the energy put into it. Google also says most common cars waste between 60-80% of the energy. This means while Efuel is net zero in terms of production, assuming the energy put into creating it is all clean and 100% efficient. If we view the production and use of efuel as a cycle, you're wasting half the energy every time. Every time the tank is fueled.

Electric engines generally waste roughly 20%. There's some additional loss across the charging of a battery, but it's still far better than a gas engines efficency.

The problem is the energy and waste from battery production, which makes them worse than gas car manufacturing. But they pass gas cars as long as they are used long enough. And here's the important part, we can improve and change batteries and their production process. We are seeing massive research into this and especially into batteries not involving rare materials. We can also improve recycling of batteries. These are all things we can do to avoid oil and gas. Because gas engines are less efficient, and even with Efuel as net zero, the process of production and loss in use is just worse than electricity based use.

And electricity can be clean energy. If we just find better batteries, we can move to a much cleaner process. But a long as we remain on inefficient gas engines, we will always have co2 pollution, along with other pollution. Eg. If Norway with 98% clean electricity swapped to all electric, and battery with the car got on the same level of gas engine in terms of production waste/pollution, we'd be saving so much energy and waste because of the much higher efficiency of electric engines, and reduction in gas use. Efuel can never do that, it will need green energy for production, and waste more energy in use. Thus I see no reason to push this over electric vehicles.

There's other downsides, such as heavier cars cause more road tear and air pollution. So ideally we'll also move away from cars as much as possible. But trains, busses trams and so on can also be all electric and thus more environmentally friendly.

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