Saudi Arabia to be appointed chair of UN’s gender equality forum to Not The – 632 points –
Saudi Arabia to be appointed chair of UN’s gender equality forum amid ongoing assault on women’s rights

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No third world war yet. So i assume yes.

That is an incredibly low bar to judge any organization. There are multiple conflicts going around the world that UN has done nothing to do. When it comes to permanent members of the Security council, the UN is powerless. Heck, it is powerless if one of the permanent members decides to flex it's muscles somewhere else geographically either.

Also, no world war is also largely due to presence of nukes with nations. The concept of Mutually Assured Destruction prevents nations from going into full blown wars when 2 nuclear powers are involved.

The UN has the power the nations want to give it. And for now, its this. Dont complain about the UN, complain about our governments