
0 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Trump would add 10 more. Its not enough

There were tunnels under that food

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One more reason he should serve as example. Nobody should be above the law

If hamas stops existing another will take its place.

Terrorism does not work the same way as states do. Its a hydra.

The only way to solve this is to end the reason why it exists in the first place. Give palestinians a viable state, stop with the settlements, allow international supervision.

If people have a job, safety, food on their plate, they tend to not be terrorists.

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Religion has nothing to do with this. Its lebensraum and racism

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Just do a recursive funcion subtracting 2 and stoping on -1 or 0. Easy

Cool motive, still crime against humanity

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I just installed Ubuntu (the more mainstream ofnlinux distros) to replace my windows OS. I was greeted by a cryptic error. After a quick search for some tecno bable, i had to start on safe mode and install the video drivers.

Do you think a "regular user" would be able to do this?

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Clearly she voted for hamas



It happens

Not by making the same mistakes the US did in afganistan and iraq.

Bombs dont kill terrorists, it creates them

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That's a totally unfair and incorrect statement, believe me. If you trained a chatbot with his statements, it would be the most accurate and successful chatbot ever, probably the best in history. We're talking about statements from a very successful President, someone who knows what he's talking about. This chatbot would be tremendous, it would have the best words, the best facts. People would be amazed at how great it is. You'd see a chatbot that's not only factual but also very, very smart, just like him. /s

But it does help palistinian babies to exist.

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"Downvote if you're a nazi"

Oh no, he cracked the code, how can we downvote now???

Does it matter? Its their right to fight, and in our duty/interest to help

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Lol such a bad idea. In Portugal your accountant could sign almost any document with it.

If i said: South Africa is the official state of the white people. How would you feel about it?

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I would suggest you to check out warren buffets portfolio

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Yeah, i belive you (despite the ltt fiasco), but to say that any distro is ready for the average person is just wrong. Thats just my point

kim jong-un approves this law

Joke is on them, my religion forces kids to wear jeans!

You're talking as if hamas appeared a month ago. Israel had many oportunities to get rid of hamas and chose not to do so.

Israel seems to know the precise location of every tunnel (at least the ones below refugee camps and hospitals), and yet failed to see 1000 terrorists training at its doorstep for more than a year.

If you're thinking that the current situation is not desired by Netanyahu, you are severely mistaken.

And no, i dont need to bring peace to middle east to know that killing children is wrong.

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Sorry, but israel is a theocracy.


You either see jewish people as a religion or a race. Therefore the state is either theocratic or, well, racist.

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No third world war yet. So i assume yes.

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Disapointed for lack of battletoads

Lets hope he doesnt

So, up untill warsaw getto was ok?

The UN has the power the nations want to give it. And for now, its this. Dont complain about the UN, complain about our governments

Imagine the famine if the next day the world population doubled. Considering that the agricultural production was also reduced

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It was an example. You are missing the point.

The point is: if a state has in its base law a preference for one religion over another, it can never call itself secular. Even if they teach evolution in schools.

Well, from his comment history he is single minded at best.

This is not them being radicalized? You mean, even more?

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As a non-us Citizen: why? Do you have to pay to get an ID?

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Sure you win. Lets kill all the babies, i'm sure the parents wont become terrorists in the future.

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Plenty of neighburing counties had to learn how to live with each other. Thats no excuse for genocide or ethnic cleansing

Ok, so you agree that israel differenciates between religions.

Positive descrimination is still discrimination, especially then you discriminate in favor of the majority.

Example: USA is the state of the cristian people. Is this good? Is this secular?

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Brasil has compulsory voting and they had Bolsonaro (and apathy). I dont think thats a solution for this specific problem.

I dont really think thats a long term solution. Plus its very risky. Long queues are prime for atacks and large concentrations os angry, hungry people is just a bad idea.

You'll need UN peace keepers around for some years. Palestinians dont really trust idf (understandable). And give back the control of gaza to the legitimate (well, the best we have now) palestinian authority. And start working on a two state solution with real pressure on both sides from the international comunity. Still, it will take decades (see the balkans)

Lol i'm sorry, maybe you didnt understand me.

They are both radicalized. But only one of them is being bombed to the stone age. If you do not see this litlle detail... Maybe i'm not the only with a bias.

At least mine is against dead children, what is yours?

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