No Man's Sky Orbital Update brings full ship customisation and a complete space station overhaul to – 626 points –
No Man's Sky Orbital Update brings full ship customisation and a complete space station overhaul

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If you count it is as a 20$ a month movie ticket, you could pledge/buy a Hammerhead in around 2 years.

Jesus Christ lmao

Yeah man, I could enjoy a Blu-ray of my favorite movie for a comparable amount of time but that wouldn’t make me any less of a moron to buy a $400 Blu-ray.

A few hour Blu-ray won't give you near the entertainment time that a game or comparable hobby will. You'll watch it once, then maybe once again if you really liked it, then maybe you might watch it again a few years later.Then it's mostly just collecting dust. In fact more so given the popularity of streaming.

Right. And a single ship in a single game of questionable status isnt gonna give you nearly the entertainment value that the 7-40 games you could buy for the same money are gonna give you.

Look, if you are happy with your purchase, thats cool. But to us this looks like a f-ton of wasted money.