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Joined 12 months ago

Not if 50% of the gut bacteria of the people who got snapped just like fell to the ground, or got stuck to that dusty shit.

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  1. Don’t blatantly lie

Sure, Hershey’s broke the one rule of advertising, but god forbid we do anything about it, right? What ever would the consumer do without the bare necessity that is… weirdly-shaped Reese’s cups?

I say this as someone who loves Reese’s, too. A reckoning in marketing law is long overdue. IMO it shouldn’t be legal to use anything other than unadulterated photos of your product as it appears off the production line.

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Upon receiving the recovery email from Proton Mail, Spanish authorities further requested Apple to provide additional details linked to that email, leading to the identification of the individual.

The user specifically requested that Proton retain this PII for account recovery.

Speaking of which, how do they implement recovery emails? Do they save your private keys only if account recovery is enabled?

Lol making up arguments in your head again?

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Yes it is, it's attacking the source for being Chinese.

No, it’s attacking the source for being integral to propaganda arm of the CCP. I’d hope to see the same response to state-run media of any non-democratic country. It’s also not intending to discredit the news whatsoever, so it isn’t an ad hominem attack. They’re encouraging you to use more trustworthy sources.

Suddenly the news is more real because a western source reports on it?

No, this news is real regardless. There’s probably a post about it on 4chan; that doesn’t make 4chan a news source, either.

Ironically people will think they're immune to propaganda because they've been trained to automatically distrust non-western sources.

There are countless well-trusted sources outside of the western world. They just don’t require a stamp of approval from their authoritarian government before they can publish.

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Not particularly relevant, but my friend randomly told me to press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Windows key+L one day. I’m still horrified.

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The Palestinians you are telling to fight back are also children.

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Can you link your mod files so I can sell them without your knowledge or consent please? Seeing as you have no problem with it…

Just absolutely demolish the toilet every time you use it.

Make them suck out that half-a-ply-ass-TP with oil rig equipment.

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Counterpoint: SMS shouldn’t exist, and RCS is our best shot at replacing it right now

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This article:

… began Kramer, whose work history also includes stints as a PR manager for GamerGate instigator Zoe Quinn


In 2014, a defamatory blog post by their ex-boyfriend sparked the online harassment campaign known as Gamergate, during which Quinn was subjected to extensive harassment including doxing, rape threats, and death threats. The following year, Quinn co-founded Crash Override, a crisis hotline and resource center for victims of online harassment.

What’s it called when you blame a victim again?

This article is garbage, and anyone who gives a fuck about this is a simply a moron wasting their life. You’d have to be implausibly stupid to believe that a 15-employee “PC” consulting firm is the root of all evil in the video games industry, yet here they are.

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brb putting in my window unit from the outside

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Awww, I thought this was an ASIC. Slapping an FPGA on a PCIe card is decidedly less cool. Still, props for creating a usable GPU circuit description, that must have been a nightmare.

I do not want to see what your desktop looks like lol

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44% of their population is under the age of 15. Name one revolution that was lead by an army of 7 year olds. If by some miracle you can, name one that was lead against a terrorist organization. Not some rinky-dink operation either. Terrorists that were, I don’t know, funded by a country like Iran?

I don’t understand why Lemmy needs to have a built-in image server at all. Reddit didn’t have one for the longest time and it was fine. Sure, I don’t think anyone would be particularly happy with going back to Imgur etc., but it doesn’t seem worth the trouble.

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It is. HDMI is proprietary technology.

DisplayPort ftw

It’s both. Patents are just a legal tool, and can be used and/or abused as the imperfect regulations allow.

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Unfortunately, that’s not what Fetterman is saying.

Fetterman noted during an interview an uptick in Democrats who have become more critical of Biden lately, and said it’s only helping former President Trump.

“I don’t understand why,” Fetterman said, speaking on “Morning Joe” on MSNBC. “I don’t know what’s in it for you to do that whether you’re just chasing clout or you want to make it in the news or anything like that. But if you’re not willing to just support the president now and say these kinds of things, you might as well just get your MAGA hat, because you now are helping Trump with this.

He’s addressing other Democratic politicians, whom would probably be one of the last groups to not vote for Biden. He seems to think that Biden would fare better in November if Dems outright refuse to acknowledge the realities of unprecedented homelessness, Israeli war money, or being 81 years old. (Because forcing people to look to Republicans for a dissenting opinion on these subjects is a great idea.)

You should vote for Biden if you don’t want Trump, obviously. And vote for Fetterman over whomever if you don’t want whomever. But either Fetterman severely misspoke here, or his opinion goes way beyond that, and I can’t help but lose a lot of respect I had for him.

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10 kWh per day

This gave me a chuckle. 10 kilojoules per second for an hour per day.

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IPv8 tattoo

More important is originality...

Is it, though? I left Reddit for here, so don’t take this as being in their defense, but if originality and ad revenue were meaningfully correlated, Facebook and Instagram would be bastions of original content.

Hell, some of the most profitable YouTubers only post reaction content.

There’s a lot of strange answers here.

  1. AdGuard extensions for Safari successfully block all YouTube ads, although in my experience you have to keep reloading the page.
  2. I also use uYouPlus, but you have to remember to connect it to your computer once a week, which blows.
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Ah yes, the true cause of the preposterous housing market… college students.

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While decentralized identity verification is a good idea, this approach is not.

  1. Your identity would be permanently compromised as soon as your palm print is stolen. It can also be stolen without you noticing, unlike well-kept passwords. Much less secure than, e.g., a memorable 30 character password.
  2. People lose parts of their palm print all the time. Touching a cast iron pan for a second shouldn’t lock you out of your accounts for a month.
  3. This requires quantizing the human palm print in a way that is not currently possible. Hashing algorithms require the “butterfly effect” to be effective at hiding the private key, meaning a small change in inputs should result in a large change in output. This is a problem for palm prints, where you’re unlikely to make the exact same measurements repeatedly.
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Borrow checking is part of the language specification, and a compiler that does not include it is, by definition, incomplete. The authors of mrust even state this in the project README.

Your claim is roughly equivalent to saying a C compiler which does not produce an error when a program calls an undeclared function means that C as a language does not ensure that your code doesn’t call functions that don’t exist - i.e., nonsense at worst, and irrelevant at best.

IIRC dude went home and played Civ all night

You need to install Python package dependencies. pip install -r requirements.txt is the simplest way to do it, but that unfortunately installs the packages globally. May be wise to use a virtual environment.

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For Denise and Paul Nierzwicki, credit cards are the only way to make ends meet. The couple, ages 69 and 72, respectively, have about $20,000 in debt spread across multiple cards, all with interest rates above 20%. 

The trouble started during the pandemic, when Denise lost her job and a business deal for a bar that they owned in their hometown of Lexington, Kentucky, went bad. 

They applied for Social Security, which helped, and Denise now works 50 hours a week at a restaurant. Still, they’re barely scraping together the minimum payments for their credit card debt.

Jesus. I don’t see how this gets un-fucked without a massive wave of defaults. And that’ll just lead to a different kind of fucked.

So who will be Napoleon this time?

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Why are people so afraid of fixing things?

There’s a lot of answers to that question.

Device/tool repair is typically not taught in schools, and from my perspective seems far less likely to be taught at home than it was in previous generations.

Most people have substantially less free time than in previous decades. Sure, some things only take 10-30 minutes to repair, but learning how to make the repair is often a significant time investment.

Devices and tools are intentionally designed to be less reparable, if only to cut costs (e.g. using glue instead of screws). Less obvious repairs take more time to learn.

Lastly, a lot of people never learned how to do any of this; they just took their broken stuff down to a VCR repair. Repair shops nearly don’t exist anymore, and the ones that do charge a substantial sum to repair modern devices. It’s often more financially prudent to buy a new laptop than it is to replace the screen of a four-year-old one, for example.

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That’s a lot of nines. A failure rate of one in one billion? I’d definitely roll those dice for some Five Guys.

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This article links to a Tweet of a screen recording of a TikTok of a screenshot of a Reddit post as proof that Quora is “hateful”. Yeesh.

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If you count it is as a 20$ a month movie ticket, you could pledge/buy a Hammerhead in around 2 years.

Jesus Christ lmao

Yeah man, I could enjoy a Blu-ray of my favorite movie for a comparable amount of time but that wouldn’t make me any less of a moron to buy a $400 Blu-ray.

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OneDrive redirection is hilariously bad. Official Microsoft documentation recommends against using it. Imagine having that little faith in your own product.

Adolescent men would raid nearby tribes and kidnap their young women, which is the means by which genes were exchanged between tribes.

We see the misogynistic trends rise in late Hellenic periods


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No, you shouldn’t have posted it to Reddit, in which you were required to give them a perpetual license to use your IP in any way they see fit.

For the record, I’m here because Reddit pissed me off when they axed the free API, and I’m pissed at myself for not expecting it. That’s what I get for accepting their terms and conditions, I guess.

Edit: I also don’t accept the idea that using my content for training data is “fair use” when it is used to train proprietary models, especially ones in which the end user is allowed to prompt it to plagiarize or otherwise imitate my content.