Biden reacts to pro-Palestinian protesters: 'They have a point' to politics – 568 points –
Biden reacts to pro-Palestinian protesters: 'They have a point'

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what any third party from Libertarians to the Green Party have accomplished

the prohibition party got a constitutional amendment passed. the republican party completely usurped the whigs.

Damn! You had to go back over 100 years practically to the Whigs!

as i said, so-called third parties have been with us much longer and have accomplished things modern politicians could never conceive.

"never conceive"?

Tell me, did a third party pass the Civil Rights Act?

That was pretty inconceivable for the time.

As was legalizing same sex marriage.

nethier the civil rights act nor the legalization of same sex marriage is as concrete as a constitutional amendment, which is itself part of the constitution, and determines whether other laws are constitutional.

the civil rights act was not the work of the democrats or the republicans. it was the work of dedicated activists and, yes, other parties such as the black panther party. they exerted pressure onto the parties in government, and the parties in government acquiesced.

Welcome to what parties are —coalitions of groups, including activists working under a united banner — in this case, the Democrats.

The Black Panther party wasn't in Congress; they did not vote on it. They are not a "third party," in a governing sense.

But to answer the question directly: Yes, it was the Democrats who both supported and are primarily responsible for its passage.

Yes, it was the Democrats who both supported and are primarily responsible for its passage.

... in congress. but they would have never proposed it if the writing weren't on the wall, if the people in the streets had not made it a matter of import. giving the democrats credit is like giving bank tellers credit for financing bank robbers' lifestyles.

I'm all for people demanding things in the streets. That's not the same as what you've been suggesting, which is to vote third-party. These two things are two entirely different things.

Black Panthers didn't hold legitimate Congressional power like Democrats. So again, thank Democrats in Congress for passing it. Something you risk spoiling by letting Republicans get into office.