Transgender athletes face growing hostility: four tell their stories in their own words

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 146 points –
Transgender athletes face growing hostility: four tell their stories in their own words

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Well, no worries, before you are at any danger of having an argument or productive conversation with someone, you will first need to learn how to form a coherent point of view. Nobody has said anything about excluding minorities from sports. Sorry if that's not what you are claiming, but I read your last comment several times but was unable to figure out what you were hoping to convey. I'm not sure if the issue was a poor combination of mistyping and autocorrect or what, perhaps you're just sleep deprived or otherwise inebriated. 🫶

literally everyone is talking about whether or not trans women should be allowed in sports. gtfo with your disingenuous rhetoric

That actually isn't what they are talking about. What they are talking about is whether transwomen(genetic men) should be allowed in genetic women's sports. I've yet to see anyone saying that genetic men should not be allowed to play in genetic men's sports. There is no exclusion from sports happening to any minorities here.

In case you are genuinely interested in this topic and not just mindlessly latching onto a cookie-cutter point of view, here is a different way to think about this issue that I have seen make some headway with people in your situation before:

If LeBron James came out as identifying as a 10 year old boy, would you want him playing against your son? Why or why not? If you answer this question honestly, it just may be enlightening. I won't respond any further unless I see genuine effort on your part.

oh God the genetic men phrase again.

Give a reasonable alternative if you don't like it. Unless, that is, your strategy depends on trying to pressure people into not expressing ideas in a clear way.

Google is free! I am allowed to criticize your hateful language! And I don't owe you shit! Hope that helps!

Well, I assumed you didn't have anything just judging by the fact that you never seem to contribute anything of use.

"Down with cis" - this is you. Please try to find anything in any comment I have made that is hateful and directly quote it. I love cis and trans people and have said nothing to the contrary. The same can not be said about you, unfortunately.

Down with cis!!!!

lmao bro that is a Tumblr meme phrase. Look it up to get the full connotation. It is hilarious to me that cis people are actually seeing this as hate speech. It's like white people complaining about reverse racism.

Well, I think most people don't really care that much, but imagine how you might feel if there was a similar meme phrase that people were hiding behind that were to switch out cis for trans in your meme phrase. Just some food for thought.

That's different because of systemic oppression! Hope that helps!

I'm cis. You are responsible for exact same amount of system trans oppression as I am. None. I never did anything to oppress you. I do not insult you. I do not treat you as less than anyone else. You have no moral justification to treat me as less than anyone else. The only one in our relationship treating someone poorly is YOU. I understand that this is what you have been tricked into doing, but you are able to stand up for yourself. You are able to do your own thinking. You can be too powerful to fall for the tricks of people who want to see you act so despicably, but you have to decide to start thinking for yourself first. People who tell you to blindly hate absolutely do not have your interests in mind.

just look into what systemic oppression is and then I'll treat you with respect lol

you clearly don't understand it if you're this butthurt over my comments

I'm not hurt by your comments at all, they clearly are coming from a place of pain. I just saw someone struggling and offered some kind words of support.

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