
2 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

You're missing the right to privacy in your phone. Make sure you didn't put the clinic into Google maps or make a call to them ahead of time. Governmental AI is on the way and it will be steered by the same people making these rules.

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What is an example of something that is truly original and not derivative?

Thank-you so much for writing this. I really, really appreciate the time you took to lay this out for me. It is amazing how hard it is to get clear answers on this topic. It seems like it is just constant insults and name-calling for anyone who wants to try to understand. You're so wonderful for putting so much effort into explaining this. I can't thank you enough.

Are there any books or recommended reading that you would suggest to go any deeper?

Thanks again!

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I think your sphincter is squeezing your neck too tight, and it's cutting off the circulation to your brain.

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It is interesting that you bring up the fact that not many transwomen are winning medals. Would it be a problem if they were? If so, what percent of women's medals going to transwomen would make you decide that transwomen shouldn't be allowed in women's sports?

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The reason for women getting paid less in sports is due to advertisement revenue. Not as many people watch women's sports, so advertisers pay less. This results in female athletes getting paid less. I know that economics is not everyone's strong point, but you really don't have to get very deep into it to understand this concept, all it takes is an open mind and the willingness to learn something new.

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25% for accuracy, but 100% for self awareness!

It's obvious who has won here. You have evolved from someone who didn't want to be mindlessly hated to someone who is obsessed with mindlessly hating others. You have 100% switched teams because they beat you into it, and you lacked the strength to resist them. Get back to who you once were, it was undoubtedly much better than this vile bigot you've become. It's sad to see people collapse onto the other team, I hope you manage to make it back.

I really appreciate you taking the time to explain this. It is refreshing to get answers when I ask about this stuff instead of just slurs and attacks.

Is it definitionally correct to say that male and female are two of the biological sexes, but there are more? Or is it not even the case that male and female are biological sexes at all? If not, then what is the proper term for xx and xy people?

Do you know what the reason is for the down votes I am getting for the question i asked you? Obviously I don't care about the score or whatever, I just want to know what it is about my question that is offensive.

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Well, I suppose if stopping the spread of awareness was his goal, then he has done a hell of a good job. It is crazy how many people instantly turn to hate and name calling as soon as they discover you are not already on the exact same page as them. Thanks for sharing this.

Wow! I had no idea that the terms male/female were not around until the 14th century. That's fascinating! Thanks so much!

Awesome, thanks so much!

Thanks, I appreciate the information.

Something I've learned that complicates it further is that a single person doesn't always have consistent chromosomes throughout their entire body. It is entirely possible to have an XX liver or brain or any other organ while the rest of you is XY. It is called microchimerism, it can happen when some stem cells from a baby get into the mother and start to develop as one of her organs. It can also go the other direction, so anyone who formed in a womb can have it. Generally, people have no reason to be tested for this, so most people have no idea if they have organs like this or not.

Fascinating! This is a take I think I've never come across. Am I right in assuming that you think there should be light-skinned and dark-skinned events in the Olympics then? There are many events that almost always go to dark-skinned individuals. The same thing holds for many professional sports.

This is a really interesting idea. I doubt it will happen, but if it did, I wonder if we would see the same people claiming that female athletes dont get paid enough claiming the same for white male athletes.

I have to say, I am quite surprised by your response. I really appreciate that! Thank you very much!

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Yeah, having a dream journal is a great idea! Just having it there and ready to use to write down absolutely anything you can remember from your dreams will start to make your brain realize that these memories are something you want to remember. Also, a dream journal is traditionally a notebook and paper, but a voice recorder works great too. There is an app called "sleep for android" that starts recording when it hears your voice so you don't even have to move. Movement has a tendency to erase dreams, so whatever you do have your method very near by, and ready to go. There are pens with red led tips on amazon or wherever that make it so you don't have to even turn on the light.

Having a dream journal ready is just the first step though. For one, maybe even with a dream journal you still won't remember your dreams at first, so you may need to do something else to get the ball rolling. Throughout the night you go through various stages of sleep, in some stages you are much more likely to have vivid dreams. If you make yourself wake up with an alarm right after one of these stages(REM) then you will much more likely have a dream fresh in your mind. Everyone's stages are of different lengths, so it may take a little trial and error, and there is lots of help online with fine tuning things, but in general I would say to set an alarm for about 5 hours after you go to bed. Your REM stages get longer as the night goes on, by 5 hours they are pretty long. This is also a good time to try out lucid dream techniques(WILD, WBTB..) as you go back to sleep.

There is more you can do to increase your chances as well. Limit bright lights/screens in the 30min to an hour before bed. Don't eat right before bed. Try to watch yourself fall asleep, just pay attention to how your mind changes. Tell yourself while you are laying in bed that you would like to remember your dreams, but it is OK if you don't, just set your intention.

Once you do start having dreams it is important to go over them. Read them throughout the day, and before bed, look for anything that sticks out as especially interesting to you. Look for patterns or similarities between your dreams. Pay attention to these things in real life when they happen, and get in the habit of doing serious "reality checks" in your daily life where you really try to determine whether or not you are currently dreaming, I know this may seem silly, but you want to take it seriously in real life if you want to take it seriously in your dream life. There are lots of different kinds of reality check ideas online, but it's things like thinking about exactly how you got to the place that you are right now, do you have all your fingers, does text look readable, do light switches work, think about where you are then close your eyes and think about if you are in the same place as before you closed them. There's tons of these, but this comment is getting long.

This just scratches the surface, but is plenty to get started. For in depth material there are some really great lucid dreaming books, Stephen LaBerge is fantastic. The practice of "Dream Yoga"(it is its own thing, not doing what it typically thought of as yoga in dreams) is a fascinating extention of lucid dreaming and there is some really good information out there on this as well. If lucid dreaming is the most incredible entertainment system ever, then dream yoga is the most incredible experiment labratory.

It does seem like a much better way could exist. So, why doesn't it? Is nearly the whole world just constantly being outsmarted by a few super clever assholes?

Well, no worries, before you are at any danger of having an argument or productive conversation with someone, you will first need to learn how to form a coherent point of view. Nobody has said anything about excluding minorities from sports. Sorry if that's not what you are claiming, but I read your last comment several times but was unable to figure out what you were hoping to convey. I'm not sure if the issue was a poor combination of mistyping and autocorrect or what, perhaps you're just sleep deprived or otherwise inebriated. 🫶

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Many female athletes understand why the pay is less, and so for them, it ceases to be a concern. This is a simple economics/demand issue that many people have no problem grasping. Some people struggle to understand the basics of economics, and for them, they think there is injustice in the pay for women's sports. This same mentality would argue that every meal everywhere on the planet should always cost the same amount. However, the vast majority of people are able to understand why this wouldn't make sense. It is just when emotional issues get mixed in with this basic concept that some people lose their ability to reason logically.

A separate and unrelated group of female athletes would prefer to compete with other people who are genetically similar to themselves so they can see how they rank amongst their peers, and for them transwomen in sports is a concern.

These two issues are not directly connected, and there is no solid reason to bring up one issue to try to downplay the other. While it may feel like changing the subject is a way to win an argument because it moves the focus elsewhere, it doesn't actually work against people who are paying attention. This is the sort of tactic that can be used on children or people who don't really care about a topic, but it does nothing against fully mentally developed people who are genuinely interested in understanding.

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Well, I'll be! Exactly what I wanted, thanks so much stranger!

Sexism against who? Do you mean against men since they were not historically allowed to play women's sports sports, while women were allowed to play men's? Correct me if I'm wrong, but women are allowed in nearly all of the world's major leagues. They just don't perform competitively enough to be drafted.

To be clear, I was saying sexual dimorphism goes much deeper than just humans. In most animal species, there is a huge difference in size and strength between males and females. Humans are not unique in this, that's all I was saying.

Me and my animal communication community know what ya mean


You almost certainly have multiple dreams every night. You have just trained your mind to see them as insignificant so they just go away like the color of the eyes of the last waiter you had. If you would like to remember your dreams there is a lot you can do to let your brain know you want to again.

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You're not alone, that's what giving or cutting someone some slack means to me as well. I hadn't considered that maybe this was a sign of me aging.

You are right. There are professional female athletes who want to earn more money. Many of them are extremely smart, and they find things they can do that will make them more money. A vocal minority gets stuck trying to fight reality. These are the ones you see and imagine are the majority. This is not the majority by any stretch of the imagination.

If you think it is unfair that women athletes get paid the amount the market pays them, then you have every right to go pay them more. Trying to force other people to pay them more is a waste of time.

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Bitcoin lightning network has entered the chat

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I made my own with a simple python script that sends me a telegram message when it sees movement. With gpt you don't need to have coding experience to make simple things like this.

You misunderstood. Us not wanting to compete against genetic men is absolutely not transphobic. I support transwomen whole-heartedly, they should absolutely have equal rights, and it is rude to intentionally mis-gender them. This has everything to do with wanting fair competition in sports. Men's bodies are built differently than women's bodies. This is not a human issue. This is an animal issue. It is across all species that the bodies of males and females are built differently. If this were not the case, then we never would have had male/female segregation in sports.

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It's really fascinating stuff, and way more complex than they teach us in school. Hopefully, this is changing though. With how important survival is to evolution and how prevalent this stuff seems to be, I can't imagine that there isn't some reason that a species would have so many variations. I wonder how common it is for other species to have variations that aren't simply the xx and xy equivalent in nature. I wonder if it is possible for there to be a 3rd chromosome type in any other species. It's so cool that this is all something that is getting more and more awareness.

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You know what's hilarious, i didn't know about this word or this group of people until you started chanting their name like a home-and-garden sales rep on cocaine. You are doing more to increase their popularity than they are! Your mama would be so proud of you.

IMO, the rule that meat must be tayyib is the best part of the quran, and it's the part that almost all Muslims know nothing about. They all know that meat must be halal, but they never know tayyib. Halal has even disintegrated into playing creepy prayers on repeat over a loudspeaker at the slaughterhouse or etching a payer into the side of the blades in the machine. Crazy how far from the original text selfishness and capitalistic greed can take people.

Then give a label for someone who is born with a penis. If your goal is clear communication, then clear labeling should be your friend, not something to try to attack into extinction.

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I never said that the team won because of Quinn. I simply pointed out that your claim of no trans person ever getting an olympic medal was verifiably false. I think in discussions like this, it is important to speak factually and to point out when facts are false, especially when they are being used to prove points. There is nothing misogynistic about wanting to deal with accurate information.

I get that the trans movement is very new, and many leagues have just recently begun allowing them. That is why I was speaking about a hypothetical future where more trans individuals are involved in sport. I think hypothetical considerations can help to pin down exact ideas and opinions.

So far as what I was referring to about the labeling, I was very clear that I was talking about xx and xy chromosomes. In other words, people born with the physical body that has the equipment that generally will be able able to provide eggs or sperm. I see no reason why there should not be language to describe these two types of individuals. Is it only for humans that you think there should be no language for this? Is it equally wrong, in your eyes, to refer to a penguin as being male or female?

I would love to get an answer to this question: Should anyone, simply because they want to, be allowed to play in women's sports? If no, then who should get to choose who is allowed, or where should the line be drawn?

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"Jesus christ on a stick!"

Well, just to give you an idea, in the NBA about 16% of players are white. In the NHL, about 90% are white. Both of these numbers get a bit more extreme if you count who actually spends time on the court.

I think most people are still willing to acknowledge that the advantage men have over women in sports in considerably greater than anything having to do with skin color. I know there are people that talk about how much greater the Williams sisters are than any man at tennis, but Serena herself says that not only are men much better at tennis, but that men's and women's tennis are two distinct sports and that she wouldn't score a single point against a professional male tennis player.

This all begs the question of why all the women's medals/success aren't going to transwomen. This is a good question, and it has an equally good answer. Biological men have, until recently, been excluded from biological women's leagues. Even still, transwomen are largely looked down on in society if they participate in and perform well in women's leagues. The more this changes, the more we will see them compete and dominate until, I predict, we hit a breaking point where even the trans community will, like yourself, begin advocating for a separate league for biological men who want to take hormone blockers. Whether or not it will require claims of identifying as a woman, I have no idea. I just think it will not be the case that we have 2 main divisions, effectively one for men and transwomen without a place for biological women to compete.

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Sexual dimorphism. Look it up, learn about it. This is not a new concept. It is well established and runs through the vast majority of animal species. Nobody can help you until you develop a desire to learn. The ball is in your court. Only you can get yourself out of this intellectual and emotional hole that you have dug yourself into.

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I thought they were referring to Christiano Ronaldo.

Nope. I'm no expert, but lightning network fees get down to something like $0.0003 and transactions are instant, it would be great for this sort of thing.

Yeah, I'm starting to see a bit of a trend with you. It seems you've been trained to oppose things without knowing why. Believe it or not, there actually are some valid points inside of you, you just need to spend some time getting to know yourself enough to find them.

You are right, it is a spectrum. The spectrum of sex doesn't make sexual dimorphism invalid though. If you have studied this stuff very deeply at all, then you are exceptionally skilled at hiding it. Whenever anyone asks you anything in this thread, you always just instantly dive behind childish name calling and mindless insults. You have an opportunity to share your point of view here, and yet it always seems to come out as if you have no substance whatsoever. I know it's not true. You could be doing so much better.

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