Microsoft to separate Teams and Office globally amid antitrust scrutiny

Cloudless ☼ to – 388 points –

Microsoft (MSFT.O) will sell its chat and video app Teams separately from its Office product globally, the U.S. tech giant said on Monday, six months after it unbundled the two products in Europe in a bid to avert a possible EU antitrust fine.


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From Teams plus office 10 euros a month per user to Office alone 9 euros a month per user and Teams alone 5 euros a month per user.

Microsoft would never do that now, would they ?

Capitalism has a lot of problems, but the freedom given to a seller to set their prices to whatever they like and watch the buyer decide it is not a fair price and go buy from someone else is not one of them.

This is a win for everyone.

Its only freedom if there's actual choice involved.

The scale at which these sales are made has nothing to do with the average consumer. Its just mega corps crunching numbers.

And that really only has to do with share prices, none of it trickles down to the actual workers.

This is just rich people having slap fights.

The problem with that is when a company like Microsoft has used and abused its position for such a long time that the only possible competition is another megacorp. No real choice there, only an illusion of choice.

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