Pixel 7 Pro Review - 8 Months Later "I Love It But, I'm Disappointed" - In Depth Tech Reviews

Welp_im_damned@lemdro.id to Android@lemdro.id – 80 points –
Pixel 7 Pro Review - 8 Months Later "I Love It But, I'm Disappointed"

I do agree with In Depth Tech Reviews' overall sentiment as a pixel 7 pro user. Personally, I have different gripes for it.


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Have thought about moving from Galaxy to Pixel lately...

I did this with the S21+ to the Pixel 7, and currently on a S23+ if that tells you anything. I'm not even a huge fan of what Samsung does, but the hardware works.

The Pixel 7 had such a great software experience when it worked, but the dropped calls and losing signal in areas where I previously had signal, was enough to get me to quit. Sadly, the rumors have the Pixel 8 using the same modem so I doubt it will be a better experience.

Nah, don't do it. Pixels are overrated and unreliable to say the least. I sold my Pixel 7 within 4 months because I couldn't stand the hardware and software issues- and before I sold it, I found myself using my 3 year-old S10e way more

What model do you have? Its good chance it would be an upgrade. But I would wait until pixel 10 since that should use tsmc fabs by then.

Galaxy S10. I went into a bit more detail here.

Well, if you want something different then go with the pixel or a oppo find x series or even Xiaomi if you can get them in your area. But if you want a similar hardware experience but modernized, I would look at Asus or Sony. To me Samsung has gotten stagnant with their s series lineup from cost cutting to removal of features like expandable storage and headphone jack. For these reasons it has made me apathetic to their brand in general now as well. At least with Asus and Sony they are retaining features and adding more, instead of removing them.

I'd been a loyal Galaxy user since the S4.

But then I had such a terrible experience with the Fold3 (and Samsung support) let year that I finally decided to try the Pixel.

Happy to say I love my P7P, and won't be considering a change anytime soon.

Foldable always looked like such a dumb gimmick that I'm surprised anyone was impressed enough to have let it last this long.

It had one really good use case for me: 4wd maps. I use an app called Hema Explorer for my offroading, and it's not supported in Android Auto. Having a larger screen for these maps made life a lot easier, rather than trying to securely mount a tablet somewhere.

I see! I can't imagine myself ever using it for that purpose, anyway, not that I was especially interested in a foldable in the first place, but I'm glad you found something that works for you!

I’m glad you found something that works for you

Well, I thought I had, until I had repeat issues requiring I send it back under warranty three times, then I experienced the shitshow that is Samsung support. Hence why I'm happy with my P7P now.