echo "RIP my inbox" | sed 's/box/rule/g'

Krafty to – 212 points –

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IF yOu ArE ANtICAPiTaLIST Why dO yOU HavE A JOb? energy I'm getting from this post.

No, I don't think renting out your first home is a grave issue, but it's a snow flake in the avalanche for why housing is unaffordable. Housing is either a necessity that should be affordable, or an investment that grows and grows in value. Society has to pick one. And it would be obviously ruinuos for the status quo of housing to outpace inflation to continue.

No single drop of rain believes it is responsible for the flood.

Perhaps the OP intended this, but I have seen the snowflake version of this much more commonly than yours:

No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.

Just put a limit on the prices. I still get value from the house i lived in before i moved(especially because maintaining a house costs a lot of money) and stupid landlords cant hike prices up.