How reddit crushed the biggest protest in its history: Did it, though?

Frost to – 811 points –
How Reddit crushed the biggest protest in its history

How is reddit post protest, did it really win over protesters? Did the ones who left make a dent? Or like all things before, did it ultimately do nothing?


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It’s been hard to get my sub users to switch to my Lemmy. Since they do not really care and are a mainstream Reddit app user you can see the struggle 😅.

You’ve got to remember that these are just simple shit posters. These are people of the internet. The common clay of the new corporate social media. You know… morons

You're never going to get everyone to switch. You get some people to start a community somewhere else, it starts to grow and become self sustaining, then there are options, and eventually the one without intrusive ads wins.

Sadly seems to be the case now. I will eventually stop trying. People who will want to switch will switch either way.

Yeah. I put a bug in my subreddit's users ear and made a community over here. That's about all I feel I ought to do. The subreddit had to move subreddits 4 years ago due to a bad moderator and it would be a bad look to push a move after the poll I made said most wanted to stay.

They'll be fine without me (there's 2 other mods, and honestly I at least do minimal modding. I marked something as a spoiler last month. Jazzhands.)

Which sub?

It’s a university subreddit. Called /r/HunterCollege

Ah yeah it must be even more difficult to convince people to switch if you have a big churn of users every year, less of a consistent subreddit 'culture'

Yea. They mostly post like 1-3 times a year then forget about Reddit. Even though the long time user don’t really care lmao.