Why don't passanger airplanes come with parachutes for people?

Sunny' 🌻@slrpnk.net to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 99 points –

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  1. If every psycho and their dog knew there was a parachute onboard for them it would happen often that some drunk asshole decided today was they day they're gonna jump from a commercial flight

No it'd be some Karen who got scared by turbulence trying to jump after convincing half the plane that she knew they were going to crash because of it. The same type of "do your own research" crowd that convinced half the population that COVID was a hoax because they know better!

  1. It would take a lot of time to have 150 persons jump and people go crazy even when the plane safely lands, just to go off board
  1. (Or maybe addendum to 1. Or 3.) Most complications in flights occur near takeoff and landing. These are altitudes not conducive for parachutes.