car insurance to Lemmy – 666 points –

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We're no where near $170 a year but $500 is very high. I haven't had a ticket or accident in about 15 years, I think insurance companies can only go back 6 years, and I'm paying about $75 per month.

that has to be liability only

I have full coverage with decently high coverage values (above minimum across the board, some substantially so)

I pay 60/mth, but I have a flawless driving record (driving since 04, not so much as a ticket) and live in a rural low cost state so that may factor in.

For someone who's over 25 with a clean driving record you can get good coverage for one vehicle for about $500/6 mo. My wife and I have no tickets and 1 accident (deer on a county highway on a blind curve, completely unavoidable, but totaled the car) and our rate hasn't changed in the 3 years since we last made any adjustments

yeah the cheapest I can find is 300 month. yes i have clean record.