Satellite images reveal China built a replica of Taipei’s presidential district in remote Inner Mongolia, fuelling speculation that Beijing uses the site as training ground for an invasion of Taiwan to World – 101 points –
Taipei replica in remote Chinese province fans Taiwan invasion fears

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The satellite images reveal a layout of streets strongly resembling the Bo’ai Special Zone, a restricted area in Taipei’s Zhongzheng District that houses Taiwan’s most important state buildings, including the presidential palace, the supreme court, the ministry of justice and the central bank of Taiwan.

The Bo’ai Special Zone is subject to specific regulations, including a strict ban on overflight.


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Outrage! : China trains soldiers

China trains soldiers for an invasion. They appear to plan for an unprovoked aggression.

Oh noes!

Bad guy China trains soldiers like everyone else. How dare they. Meanwhile Good guys US sells fighter jets to poor Israeli troops.

Whataboutism and lies are all that defenders of autocratic hellholes like China have to offer. It's getting tiring.

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