recommendations for desktop Lemmy client? to – 44 points –

Looking for a Lemmy client for my desktop, archlinux. Was hoping for a good community recommendation and preferably open source.


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It's called a browser? :-)

Honestly, I don't understand people downloading apps to run things like discord, facebook, spotify, and now lemmy. These are webpages, and were designed to work as webpages. So, best would be to use a web browser.

In my opinion there should be more apps. I hate that they are just webpages tho

I've never heard that take before. Can you explain why you think there should be more apps instead of using the browser?

  • Apps can sit and wait in the background as a tray icon and quietly notify you

  • Having countless tabs open in your browser and navigate through them can be very tiring sometimes

Native apps can give better performance and take up less resources. But to be honest I just miss the good ol days. I mean back then the web browser was the main thing you'd open on your PC but now it's pretty much the only thing