Top Republican says party base "infected" by Russian propaganda to politics – 509 points –
Top Republican says party base "infected" by Russian propaganda

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I sure remember Moscow Mitch the Bitch getting upset about being called Moscow Mitch after that but being proud of being called ‘Reaper’ for denying any bills brought forward to get anything done around that timeframe, yeah.

He got called Moscow Mitch before that - it was when he threatened to throw the government into lockdown if Obama revealed the extent of russian hacking and interference in the 2016 election.

He traded his duty to the Constitution in for a drunk rapist and an evangelical nut to sit on the Supreme Court.

Moscow Mitch.

Wait, actually? What the hell is the reasoning behind that? How did Americans vote him back in after that?

How did Americans Kentuckians vote him back in after that?

Voter suppression and some interesting statistical anomalies between the official results and exit polling, favoring the Republicans (that Democrats didn't have much interest in calling attention to, for fear of lending credence to Trump's claims of the election being stolen).

Speaking on Tuesday at the Council on Foreign Relations, Biden said the Obama administration sought a united front to dispel concerns that going public with such accusations would be seen as an effort to undermine the legitimacy of the election.

However, McConnell "wanted no part of having a bipartisan commitment saying, essentially, 'Russia's doing this. Stop,' " he said.

At that point, Biden added, he felt that "the die had been cast" and that "this was all about the political play."

"Had we known what we knew three weeks later, we may have done something more," Biden added.

One would hope.