Biden Will Try Again to Wipe Out Student Loan Debt for Millions of Borrowers

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 703 points –
Biden Will Try Again to Wipe Out Student Loan Debt for Millions of Borrowers

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Where is the utility in keeping people in a never ending cycle of student loan debt?

Come on now. Why won't somebody think of the economic parasites? :P

It does suck, but people who go to college know how much they're going to pay. If anything, they should consider starting at a community college. Specialized schools (e.g. nursing schools, pilot school, etc.) often come with higher costs, but people need to weigh the potential benefits against the expenses. Community colleges offer more affordable options for foundational coursework before transferring to a specialized school if needed. Also, a significant portion of students already recieve some form of financial aid.