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Joined 1 years ago

Sound and communications technician. I put cables in the walls, floors or ceilings for structured cabling projects.

Not glamorous work but, I get to be in large buildings and, most of the time I work in climate controlled occupied space.

That kid takes union shits. I approve.

Lina Khan is doing pretty good work in my opinion. It would be a shame to lose that kind of talent under a republican administration.

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One state solution. No country gets to dress up in a liberal democracy wig while sporting ethno state raybands. Apartheid states don't get to exist in a functioning democracy.

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Sounds like something a bot would say.

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Woah, I've never seen a summary at 0% that's a first for me.

In minecraft 😉

Exactly, I read in the news paper today that "the increase will be in cents, not dollars". My immediate reaction was to make the air jerking off motion.

Corporations will do what's profitable, that's our economic system, get used to it or get rid of it.

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Well, I know what I'm doing this weekend.

Atleast he's not making the mistake Hillary did by just staying in the big cities and not covering more of rural America.

I'm not enthusiastic (mostly ambivalent) about another Biden term but, another trump term would be disastrous.


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Peachwad numba 1

By that definition Israel is failing to meet its military goal. Killing SO MANY innocent civilians would be considered a military failure by any other western county.

Unless the goal is collective punishment and not proportional warfare.

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Oh my mistake, he's involved in so many crimes I can't keep track.

Idk who you're replying too but, yeah dogs should be on leashes. No exceptions.

This would make oral hygiene much easier in my opinion.

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Is it a new rule for her?

Make no mistake. His stance on Israel could make him lose.

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I wish everyone had this kind of class solidarity 👍🏽

Conservatism seems, in my estimation, to be invariably vague in its ideology. Nothing is truly valued beyond the narrative.

I'm here for it, but I think this kind of thing needs to go further. Get all the developers who do this. Start with the largest wrong doers.

What are we now op?

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I'm not sure its just that. There seems to be alot of discourse surrounding this game.

Do you have any thoughts about the topic or did you just want to be critical of the article?

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I get that the border is sensationalized for political gain. It seems to me they followed the process correctly.

What did these guys do? Other than be potentially connected to a terrorist organization?

I love Steven Greenhouse. 'Beaten down worked up' set the groundwork for many discussions I had with my coworkers on worker rights. Also, he warns us against Niki Haley and her high heels.

With that being said I think she is a larger threat to labor rights than any other candidate for the GOP. Trump being the largest threat to democracy.

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Where is the utility in keeping people in a never ending cycle of student loan debt?

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I really wish I knew what all these words meant. Then again that might ruin the childlike delight I get from my ignorance.

Sony, just take the L.

Man, sometimes I'm jealous of Brazil because of Lula. He took no shit when they tried to do a Jan 6th. He had Bolsonaro cowering in Florida, tucked into his minion bed.

This incident and the molotov-ribbentrop pact must upset tankies. I love upsetting tankies, as much as I enjoy upsetting any other right-wing group.

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I think the community is going to speed through requests like these because of the enshitification of the internet.

I'm just enjoying the crudeness of lemmy right now. It's like watching a toddler crawl across the floor. You know it's not always going to be like this so you enjoy the moment now while you can.

This has to be AI art. I feel no human communication being expressed.

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Then I'm here for the memes ✊🏽

Me thinks it would be the fastest civil war in history.

My estimation of how this might go: Goods stop arriving in stores, diabetics can't get insulin, critical infrastructure gets targeted first. Good luck maintaining internet connectivity. The masses would do more damage to themselves than either political opposition.

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Oh, I'm by no means shrugging it off. Thousands would die. I'm simply saying, it would end quickly and stupidly. We are too interdependent on our institutions to have an effective civil war.

It would also take a seperate opposing body to attack another. How would republican actors know who is ideologically to the left of them?

Unless they employ some type of guerilla warfare but, I don't think there are enough people committed to trump to get that done effectively.

I can't judge. I do weird/benign shit like this too. I might even enjoy this if given the opportunity to try it.

Wrong community, bigoted shower thoughts belong on c/conservative

I like people, therefore, I think even the worst can be reformed.

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What about my statement do you disagree with?

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Existential anxiety be too real.