Hunger to Lemmy – 928 points –

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This would make oral hygiene much easier in my opinion.

Try brushing something that just flops around, would be a pain

Maybe we'd start looking at pictures of food to get "in the mood" before brushing... food porn

There would be a much larger variety of toothpaste flavors.

Could be that instead of brushing you use the tongue to clean between the teeth, as you would be able to push them aside.

And I think mouth wash would be used instead of brushing.

There wouldn't be all the crevices we have now, though. Plus, I feel like a soft surface would hold on to scraps less tightly. Hell, you'd probably be fine using just mouthwash.

Monkey's paw: your teeth would also be as sensitive as the head of a penis

So I can't eat cereal but sucking cock would feel better than the receiver. Idk, man. Life is boring enough, I'd go for it.